Chapter 25

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*Lily's POV*
I need to get out of here, was all I could think as I tugged on my bindings. I don't care if Niall doesn't want me, I'll deal with that once I get out of here, Mattie can't get away with this.
"Fuck this Matt! Deal with this on your own!"
"Screw you Sean!"
"You know why she never came back?! It wasn't because she fell in love with that kid. She fell out of love with you! You've lost it man and I'm not going down for your stupidity!" Sean came out, cut the rope around my ankles, pulled me to my feet to follow him.
"Come on."
Before we got to the door a gunshot rang throughout the building. I screamed as Sean fell to the floor.
"Sean, Sean. Can you hear me?! Stay with me!" I couldn't comfort him. Blood started coming out of his mouth.
"Lily, tell Em, I'm sorry." He sputtered.
Tears ran down my face, "you're going to tell her your self, okay? You stay with me."
"Matt. Please. Please! He's your best friend! Help him!" I looked at Mattie who was standing there, just staring at the blood that was pooling around us. I looked around and saw a knife attached to Sean's pants. I had one chance to do this. I turned around and leaned against Sean, I felt the handle and pulled. Once it was in my hands I turned it against the rope and cut as fast I could. I felt the rope break, releasing my hands.
"What do I do?" Mattie walked up.
"Give me your shirt. Sean! Sean listen to me! You stay with me!"
"I'm sorry man. I'm sorry."
Sean started to choke. I took Mattie's shirt and used it to put pressure on the bullet entrance. That's when I heard them. Police sirens. Mattie heard them too but didn't move. They were just outside, when they broke down the door Sean and I were heading to.
"Put your hands where I can see them!"
"Please, my friend he's been shot!" I begged, "if I move my hands he might die." I said over my shoulder.
"We've got it sweetheart, let go." A paramedic was pulling me from Sean.
Mattie was being arrested, I was escorted outside.
"There she is, Lily!" I looked over and saw Harry, Niall, Zayn, and Liam rushing over to me, there was only one person I wanted right then, the only set of arms I wanted around me. I ran straight to Niall. I fell apart, I started crying and hyperventilating.
"Niall I don't care if you don't love me anymore, or that you don't want me, just don't leave me right now." I held him tight around the waist.
"Lily Masser. I've loved you every single day since I've met you." He pulled me away from him, "everyday I fall more in love with you, I do need you, I am sorry for trying to push you away. I love you and always will." He pulled me close to him, like he was afraid I would disappear.
"Ma'am we need to check you for injuries." One of the other paramedics came over.
"Come on Lil, you need to get checked."
We walked over to another ambulance that pulled up, as we walked by the first one I saw Sean with cuffs on his arm.
"Wait. Excuse me Officer," I tapped a officer that was taking to a a paramedic, "he was trying to save me. He got shot in the back as we were trying to leave."
"It's for kidnapping ma'am."
"I don't want to press charges against him."
"Lily, are you sure?" Niall held my waist.
"Yes. Niall from the start he didn't do anything. It was all Mattie." I said confidently.
"Thank you ma'am we'll add that to our report. Another officer will be by to get your statement."
We walked over and they put me into and ambulance, "we'll take you to the hospital to get you fully examined ma'am. Would you like to ride along sir?"
"Yeah, yes I would." Niall was just staring at my hands. Sean's blood was still there.
"Sorry," I tried to hide my hands.
"Lily is that his blood? The guy in the other ambulance?"
He leaned over and kissed my forehead, "I love you Lil."
After arriving at the hospital, I was fully examined, then placed in an examination room where the police got my statement, I had to tell everything from when I was first taken, to up to asking for no charges to be filed against Sean. Niall sat with me and had to listen as I told the cops about how Mattie was about to rape me. I didn't want him to be in the room during this but he insisted, I think he was afraid I would leave him. Once released, we came home to a very crowded house, Em, Zayn, Louis, Eleanor, Liam, Sophie, Harry, and Gemma were all there. They welcomed me back, fed me some food then all I wanted to do was lie down. Niall stayed there and saw them off, while Em followed me to Niall's and I bedroom.
"You know he regretted doing what he did." She told me as she combed out my hair, I had just put my head in her lap.
"Oh yeah?"
"Lily, don't forget I know how stubborn you are."
"Then why did he say it?"
"He was protecting his family."
"Aren't I apart of his family?"
"Come on Lil, you know how it works."
"No Em. I don't." I sat up, "you're my only family Emma, you have been from the first day we became friends. You're my sister."
"Then you know, you're apart of his family, it not just blood that makes you family, it's the love. The love he shares for you is the same for his family."
"He knows that now. He knew it the moment he saw how broken you were from hearing that he didn't want you anymore. He loves you, more than life itself."
She got up, kissed the top of my head and started to leave.
"You know, Sean said he was sorry, he helped me escape."
"I know, he was in a program that is helping him through his issues. Get some rest Lil, I love you."
"I love you too Em." She walked out closing the door behind her.
I really just needed a shower, when I removed my clothes, down to my underwear, I saw all the bruises, the scars, and the new cuts. I closed my eyes and shook my head.
"When will the bruises disappear?"
"Did he do that?" I didn't realize Niall was standing by the door.
"Yes. When I was with him I use to have more, from here," pointing to the top of my head, "to here," pointing to my toes. Niall started to tear up.
"Niall I've never wanted you to see how I use to be, I would hide this part of me because I was scared of what you might do."
"You never had to hide yourself lovey." He came and wrapped his arms around me.
"I know I didn't but I wanted to, now I know that was stupid," I wrapped my arms around his neck, "it only made it feel like you couldn't trust me. I think that's the reason you cheated on me. What I'm saying, is I forgive you Niall. I love you."
His bright blue eyes bore into me.
"Marry me Lily?" He whispered.

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