Chapter 24

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*Emma's POV*
"Niall Horan you're going to send me into labor for real this time! What the hell did you do?"
"Em, I swear I didn't mean it, you know I love Lily, but Mattie was threatening my family and I didn't know what to do."
"You're lucky I'm in this wheelchair or else I would kick your ass. You have done nothing but make Lil feel guilty for sleeping with Harry when you in returned slept with Ellie. Niall I forbid you from going to her. Harry call Paul and tell him what happened right way. Lou, Niall, El, and Soph take me to Lily's. Liam and Zayn go with Harry."
Everyone kind of stood there not knowing what to do.
"Does the hormonal pregnant girl need to tell you again?" I snapped.
"Nope. Be safe babe. I'll be back soon." Zayn kissed my forehead and followed Harry and Liam.
"I'm sorry Emma." Niall said as he stepped behind me and started pushing me.
"Sophia may I use your phone?"
"Sure. Why?"
"I have to give someone a call."

*Lily's POV*
"Do you think she was serious?"
"I don't know man she's your ex. You know her better than I do."
"I don't know. When we were together she never use to threaten me like that."
"She use to scare me."
I could hear Mattie and Sean talking, I was laying on the cold cement floor, my feet and hands were still tied together.
"She should be waking up now, what if I gave her too much?" It's been awhile but I'm positive that sounded like worry in Mattie's voice.
"Why couldn't you talk to her at the hospital?"
"I don't want to just talk to her. I want her back. This is the only way I knew how to get her back."
"By kidnapping her?"
"Yes. If I can't have her then no one can."
"This is ridiculous Matt. Emma just told us what will happen if we don't let her go."
I smirked. Damn right Emma told you how it'll go.
"Whatever man. I'm going to check to see if she's awake."
I heard foot steps approaching, I hadn't moved.
"You know, I've never wanted this to happen. I loved you Lily. I knew that I use to get mad a lot but I never realized how hard it was to be without you. Before you were with him I use to come by your place just make sure you're okay. I'd watched as you went to work and school. I thought I was keeping you safe." I felt his hand against my hair, it sent a shiver down my spine.
"Don't touch me." I whispered.
"Well hey babe." His tone of voice changed, "I was wondering when you were going to wake up."
"You should just kill me now and get it over with Mattie."
"Aw did someone hurt your feelings?" He grabbed my arm and sat me against the wall. I didn't say anything, I just stared at the ground.
"Answer me!" He screamed in my face. I remained quiet.
He slapped me. I continued staring at the floor.
"I know what will make you scream," he started to undo his pants.
"Do it and I swear on everything that's holy I'll kill you myself."
"She speaks. Come on sweetie it'll be like old times when you would be begged to let go so you could touch me. You liked it rough, admit it." He nudged my leg with his foot.
"Go to hell."
"The boy must have really hurt you."
"Niall is none of your business. Just do whatever and leave." I gave up, I gave up on all hope in the world, Niall told me he didn't want me anymore and the only person who wanted me was the psycho who walked back to Sean.

*Niall's POV*
Once back at our apartment, I took off to our room. The room that showed not only I lived their but the girl I love. The woman that should be here now. It was left how she left it, her converse kicked off by the bedroom door, vinyl records of her favorite bands on top of the record player, her favorite books piled next to her side of the bed. The shirts she would try on and take off tossed about the bed. I took hold of her pillow and smelled her perfume, our perfume, she couldn't get enough of "Our Moment."

"I'm sorry Niall. I should have told you long ago," Lily was crying, "he doesn't men anything, what happened doesn't mean anything, I was just so upset about you."
"How could you Lily? He's my best mate!"
"Don't yell me Niall Horan! You slept with Ellie! Don't pretend it didn't happen!"
"It did, I told you that, I told you I was sorry! You didn't have to do it!"
"I did! You had to know how I felt, how I feel knowing that the hands that touched her are touching me! It makes me feel dirty."
"Lily, I love you, I wasn't thinking-"
"No. You were thinking. You were thinking about how much it will hurt me!"
She fell to the ground, "just leave. I don't have energy to fight anymore."
I sat across from her, "Lil, I am truly sorry, sorry for sleeping with her, sorry for hurting you, sorry that I pushed you into Harry's arms."

"Niall." Em touched my shoulder bringing me out of my daze.
"Sorry, yeah?"
"Are you okay?" She sat next to me on the bed.
"I was just thinking, this room has a lot of history."
She looked around, "she never could keep organized."
I smirked, "yeah but that was who she was."
"Niall, do you still love her?"
"Yes. I can't image my life without her."
"Then I think you should read this."
She handed me her phone, "Em, I wanted nothing to do with this, Matt dragged me into this, please just come get her. We are in an abandon warehouse, outside Surrey."
"Go to her Niall. I'll call the cops."
"Thanks Em!" I kissed her forehead and ran out of our bedroom.

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