Chapter 19

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*Harry's POV*

"If she was my girl I would have kicked his ass a long time ago."

"She's not your girl mate." Zayn told me.

 "She could've been, if you weren't an ass to her." Liam said.


"Shit, forget I said that."

"No Liam you said it." It was quiet for a few minutes. "Liam."

"She came to me a month back, she was confused."



"He has the right to know Zayn."

"Confused about her feelings for you."

"What did she say?"

"She asked if she made the right choice. That if Niall would really take care of her like she knew you would. She said she was starting to have feelings for you after the last encounter with her ex."

"Did she love me?" I stared out the window.

"Not like she loved Niall. I told her to go with who made her happy, safe, protected."

"Niall hasn't protected her."

"Niall has protected her in the way she needed the protection. He protected her from herself. When's the last time Lily had an attack? Not since that last night right? He's been helping her."

"Doesn't prove anything."

"It shows Lily truly cares and loves Niall, she told me whenever we came back that she couldn't wait to start her life with him."

Liam's phone started ringing.

"Hello? Yea. Ok. Got it."

"Niall said Lily is in the shop, we should get going Harry."

*Lily's POV*

"What was I thinking?” I thought to myself as I was picking up a basket, walking into the shop. I started walking from aisle to aisle throwing random stuff in.

"Hello beautiful."

I froze on the spot.

"I'm glad I still have that power over you." I felt him touch my hair.

Then out of nowhere I had the thought, "only Niall plays with my hair." That's when I got this burst of energy; I turned to be face to face with the monster that has haunted my dreams.

"You have some fucking nerve!" I hissed at him.

"Here I am trying to move on, start a life, and you come in on your high horse thinking you have some power over me? Bitch get in line. I have millions of girls everyday talking shit, making death threats and you think I'm going to be scared of an abusive, stalking, barbaric human like you? No this is how it's going to work. You are going to stay the fuck away from me, Emma, Niall, and every one of my friends. Or so help me God I will give you something to be scared about."

"Big talker are we?” He took a step towards me, but I stood my ground.

"She's not alone." Niall came out from behind me followed by Harry, Zayn, Emma, and Liam, his new girlfriend Sophia, Louis and Eleanor.

"Just remember mate, you fuck with one of us, you fuck with all of us."

Mattie took a step back and looked from face to face, "whatever man, have her, she's broken anyways."

"Funny thing is I'm not. You think you've broken me, but see I have this amazing boyfriend that managed to put me back together." Niall wrapped his arms around my waist.

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