Chapter 26

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"No. You're only asking because you'll think I'll leave. I'm not going anywhere and I'm not going to let you go." I smiled at him."

"No?" his face dropped.

"Niall, I love you, I love you from the furthest planet to right where we are standing right now. You're scared, so am I. We have been through my psycho ex, panic attacks, cheating, and a kidnapping. I'm here in your arms telling you that I will love you every day for the rest of our lives. I would like to marry you one day but it's not our time yet."

He was just staring at me like I was foreign animal.

"Plus, that wasn't how I hope you have been planning on proposing." I smiled.

He smiled back at me, "that bad huh?"

"Needs some work." I pulled him into a kiss.

"So what now?" he asked as we finally broke apart.

"Now, I need a shower."

"Is that an invite?" he winked.

"Sex in the shower, sounds dangerous." I laughed and shut the bathroom door.

"Should we just order in tonight?" Niall asked as he took his spot next me on the couch.

After a little shower sex, this happened to continue into the bedroom and again in the kitchen. Making love this time was different, I could feel the love that Niall had for me through every touch, every kiss.

"Yes, I am so hungry." I smiled at him.

"Chinese it is." He got up to get our menus in the kitchen.

While he was in the kitchen, there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it!" Hopping up.

"I'll get it," Niall grabbing my hand, I look at him questioningly, "I'm not losing you again."

I smiled knowing that it a little than 24 hours ago I was taken from him. He answers the door to a cop.

"Hello, I'm Officer Parker. I'm looking for a Lily Masser."

"Yes. That's me." I came out from behind Niall.

"I'm here to inform you that a Mattie Grainer was released this evening. Since you have a restraining order against him, we have to inform you for your protection."

"How did he get release? The officer there told me it was an open and shut case."

"Well he posted bond within the hour he was there, we had to let him go."

"Okay. Thank you officer."

I shut the door and looked at Niall.

"Don't worry about it love. He's not taking you away this time."

"Niall go call your family, just to be on the safe side give them a heads up. I'm going to call Emma, maybe we can stay with her and Zayn."


"It's just to be safe Niall," I touched his face, "please darling."

"Okay, go pack a bag for a few nights; I'll go call my mum." He kissed my cheek and I ran down the hall to our room.

I opened the door to find Mattie standing in the middle of the room, I stayed in the hallway.

"You think it would be that easy? I told you if I can't have you then no one can."

"Mattie please, why won't you leave us alone."

"BECAUSE HE DOESN'T DESERVE YOU!" He shouted so loud, I'm sure Niall heard him.

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