Chapter 23

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*Lily's POV*
"Niall." I turned to him.
"Lily, I think Harry's right. You deserve to be happy and I think I've always known you belonged with him. A good part of the new album was written about you from him."
"Niall. I'm sorry." I started tearing up.
"Baby, you've changed ever since the Ellie thing. You're not who you were when we first met. You're braver now. Stronger. I thought maybe things would go back to the way it was but ever since you told me what happened with Harry, I just knew I was forcing you to be with me. I'm sorry Lily, I'm sorry I made you hurt when you never realized it. I'm sorry that I fell out of love with you."
I stood there and stared at him, I started crying.
"You fell out of love with me? But today in the kitchen..." I said confused.
"My feeble attempt to make this work." He motioned between me and him.
I couldn't believe it, I started sobbing, "no no you couldn't have! Niall we love each other!" I shouted, frustrated.
"We use to love each other!" He shouted right back.
I couldn't stand there no more. I rushed past him into the hallway, then I just had to get out of the hospital. I ran to the elevators but I knew that would take forever so I took the stairs. I heard Harry call after me but I kept running, I don't know where I was running but I knew I had to leave. As soon as I ran through the automatic doors in the emergency area someone grabbed me around the waist and pulled me to a van that was waiting in the car lot.
"Let me go!" I tried kicking and another person grabbed my legs. They threw a black bag over my head and put me in the van. I kept screaming for them to let me go.
"Shut her up Mattie!" That sounded like Sean.
"Mattie?" I whispered. He removed the hood over my eyes, there he was scruffy, looking like he hasn't slept in weeks.
"I knew if I threatened the right people that idiot boyfriend of yours would give you up. I missed you babe." He gave me a sloppy kiss , I hit him.
"Tie her hands you idiot!"
"I can't! She keeps wriggling."
"Sean please, Emma can't be without me," I tried to look at him.
"She's having that douchebags baby...she doesn't need you anymore." I could hear the hurt in his voice.
"Time for sleep babe." Mattie told me and presses a needle to my arm, whatever it was made me sleepy.

*Niall's POV*
"WHAT THE HELL MAN?!" Harry threw a cup across the room.
"He was threatening my family." I had to tell Harry what was going on, a little after everyone left to the hospital I received a phone call from Mattie.

"You have a lot of balls calling me right now."
"I would watch what you say Horan. I'm sure little Theo wouldn't like hear you speak like that."
"How the hell-"
"Shut up. Now what's more important your family or the girl who use to love you?"
"What do you want?"
"The only I've wanted since she walked out on me."
"More like ran."
"Watch it. Now all I want is to talk to her. That's all. You think you could let me do that?"
"She won't talk to you."
"You're a smart boy Horan, I'm sure you'll figure something out." He hung up.

He said he only wanted to talk to Lily, so I told him where she was, then I had to do the unthinkable, I had to tell the girl that I loved to the moon and back that I didn't love her.
"And your first reaction is to let that twat near her!" Harry was pacing the room.
"I didn't know what to do!" I finally admitted.
"Excuse me! I'm going to ask you gentlemen to leave. You're scaring the patients."
A nurse was standing by the door.
"Sorry." I mumbled and walked out of the room with Harry behind me, his phone out.
"Don't bother calling Paul. He knows what's going on. He said he would stand by and watch them talk."
"Niall!" A girl came running down the hall. How the hell do they know where to find me I thought to myself.
"Now is not a good time darling." I turned to join Liam, Sophia, Lou, and El.
"Niall. Someone took Lily." She said rather quickly.
I stopped in my tracks, "what do you mean someone took Lily?" I slowly turned to her.
"We were coming to visit my nana and I saw her run out and then some guys in a van grabbed her."
"Oh my god." I turned and rushed to Harry, who was on the phone with Paul.
"He took Lily."
"What?!" Harry's head snapped up.
"MATTIE TOOK LILY!" I yelled as I made my way to the elevator.
"No Niall. I don't think you should go." Harry ran in front of me.
"Are you serious mate?" I tried to go around him but he mirrored my moves.
"Yes I am. You told her you didn't love her anymore."
"You did what?!"
Shit. Emma.

*Ah! The plot thickens! What would you do if Harry and Niall both loved you? Thanks for reading! I'll try and update real soon! Love ya!*

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