Chapter 6

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*Harry’s POV*

I lost her. I thought I would be able to handle them being together but honestly I don’t think I can, I feel sick to my stomach after seeing them basically sucking each other’s face off, Niall’s a virgin! How would he even know how to please her! I can I can make her feel good, I let my mind wonder to the imagine I had created, I can see myself pushing her up against the wall, her legs wrapping around my waist. As I start kissing her neck, making her moan my name, I could hear it, the way she moaned my name.

“Harry!” as Louis shook me awake, “we are about to land.”

I jumped awake; luckily no one noticed that I was drooling. I looked down; just great I’m going to have to take care of that when I get to the hotel. I got up and walked over to my seat, when I was sitting I looked behind me, she was holding Nialls hand just looking at him like he was the greatest thing in the world.

“Alright mate?” he asked me whenever he saw me looking at him, I unclenched my fist.

“Yeah man I’m just tired that’s all. Feeling alright?”

I saw him look at Lily and smile, “yeah, just fine, Lily agreed to go on a date with me.” He smiled.

“That’s great man!” I looked at her, I lost her.

*Lily’s POV*

The pilot turned on the fasten seatbelts light, so Niall buckled us in, I really didn’t mind him doing it, it was sweet gesture now I know the reasoning behind it.

“So what’s going to happen when we land?”

“Well we are going to head to the hotel and check in, then afterwards probably get something to eat, you know just relax,” He was rubbing circles on my hand with his thumb, oddly that really relaxed me then he leaned into my ear, “or we can finish what we started here.”

I started blushing and pulled away, “Niall, no.” I looked into his blue eyes and made sure he understood.

He nodded his head, “no rush love, I haven’t even taken you out to dinner yet.”

I started laughing, “No you haven’t.”

I hooked my arm through his and leaned on his shoulder, I tightened my grip when I felt the plane starting to descend, and he started smiling and continued to rub circles with his thumb. We finally landed, when the seat belt light went off Niall took ours off and took our bags and my hand and started walking towards the entrance. He turned to me, “babe don’t let go of my hand till we get into the car.” He kissed my forehead, as he pulled me closer.

“Ok no running off and no pushing…Louis” I saw Louis throw his arms up and smiled, “and stick together, the van is parked to the right so just head that way. Ready? Ok let’s go.”

We were met with flashing lights and screaming.

“Geez that was a mad house!” I told Niall as we got into the car, he sat next to me in the back, Harry to his other side, then Zayn, Emma were sitting in the middle, far apart from each other, odd. While Liam and Louis sat in the front seat behind the driver, and Paul.

“No kidding, I thought for sure I lost you there. Thanks for helping Harry,” Niall told Harry, once we got off the plane we were basically overrun by fans and paps, Paul wasn’t able guide us all at the same time, his focus was the boys, they closed around so fast, that me and Niall almost got separated if it wasn’t for Harry being so close behind, a fan actually grabbed my arm but Harry pushed me forward to keep me from getting pulled back.

“Geez! What’s with the scratching?! I think they drew blood this time!”

As I examined the red marks down my arm, sure enough it had started bleeding.

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