Chapter 4

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Niall was staring into my eyes, as I studied his, concern, and something else was there, I just couldn’t put my finger on it.

“Please. Don’t do that to me again.”

He whispered against my lips.

“I’m sorry, help me up?”

I sat up; he then wrapped an arm around my waist and helped me on my feet.

“I’m sorry Lily; I didn’t mean to cause it.” Liam looked at me, “I just wanted some explanations.”

“She’s not your girl mate, if anyone needs explanations, it’s me.” Niall gave him a glare.

“Niall, he was just being a good friend.” I placed my hand on top of his, as he walked me over to the bed; he sat down next to me.

“Well now love, I do need to know everything.”

*Nialls POV*

I saw how uncomfortable she got but I wanted to know everything about her, the good and the bad. I wanted her to know that she could trust me and the boys. I saw her glance at Emma who was standing by Zayn his arm twitching to wrap around her, “I think it’s ok to trust them Lil.” She comforted her, I saw Lily give a slight nod.

“First you have to know I’ve stopped cutting, second I have not seen or heard from Mattie for almost two years now. I started cutting because of Mattie, we started dating a month after my parents died,” I saw her look at Liam, he just nodded his head, “well a few weeks after we started dating he got wasted, and started yelling at me about how I cheated on him, how I didn’t want him, then he got so mad he hit me, and he kept hitting me. Then after that our relationship wasn’t the same, but I stayed with him because I still wanted to be with him.” She started to tear up.

“Guys can you give us a sec?”

The boys nodded their head and walked out, I turned to Lily has tears were already falling; I began to wipe them away.

“Lil, I want you to know that I will never hurt you like that. I know you have been through a lot and I want to be there for you. I would never let anyone hurt you. I’ve known you for a couple of days but it feels like I’ve known you forever. I want to be yours.”

*Liam’s POV*

I didn’t mean for her to have an attack, actually that’s the last thing I wanted. I was only looking out for Niall, but he even seemed upset with me. I mean the guys know how I can be if one of their girls is capable of hurting themselves, I’ve never liked when they would do that, cutting, why? Well in Lily’s case I knew why, she just lost her parents then the guy she loved started to abuse her, I mean what kind of animal hits a woman. It makes me sick to my stomach thinking about woman getting treated like that, the dicks.

I see Niall coming out of her room; he looks at me and heads into the kitchen. When I walk I see him leaning against the sink, back towards me.

“Alright mate?”

“What am I getting myself into?” He turned to me and his eyes were red and he was crying. “I really like this girl Liam, but how can I help her? I don’t know what to do.”

“Listen Niall, you’ve already helped her, our music saved her, I know she likes you a lot. I can see it.”

“What do I do?”

“Accept her, scars and all, if she means a lot to you then you look past all of it. Be her hero.” I bring him into a hug, “it’ll work itself out mate, you’ll see.”

“Where’s the food?” I turned around to see Lily standing in the doorway, “sorry I couldn’t sleep, I haven’t ate anything all day.” She smiled. For a girl that is damaged, I don’t think anything could bring her down now, now she had five boys who will help her when she falls.

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