Chapter 22

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*Lily's POV*
"Why what?"
"Why didn't you choose me from the beginning?" Harry looked at me.
"It was never you." I took Niall's hand in mine, "come on we have the guys waiting, Harry come on."
"I'll be up in a few." I turned around.
"Harry, I love you man." Niall touched his shoulder. Then followed me to the stair case, we were halfway up when he stopped.
"Lily I can't lose my best friend," he was half turned towards the car park.
"Go." I smiled and touched his face, he ran off to talk to Harry. I walked back to the apartment when Lou and Eleanor came running down the stairs.
"Whoa! Where's the fire?" I said as El handed me my jacket and scarf.
"At the hospital! Emma's in labor!" Lou was halfway to the car.
"WHAT?! NIALL!" I ran after them.
Niall and Harry were standing by our car.
"Niall, we have to go now. Emma's in labor!" I hurried around to the passenger side.
"Holy shit! Do we need to grab anything? Do they need anything?" Niall looked like a lost puppy.
"Niall get in the car, we need to go."
"Oh shit! The keys! Did you grab them?"
"Nialler!" I whined.
"Go with Lou and El, Me and Harry will be behind you."
Lou and El were pulling out, I ran around to him, "Lou wait! Okay I love you." I gave him a quick kiss and ran off to the other car.
"Love you too." I heard Niall call back.

*Harry's POV*
I started crying whenever I heard Niall and Lily walk away.
"Why couldn't she love me back?" I said to myself.
"Harry?" Niall was behind me again, "She love you mate, she does. She loves you like I love you, like family. You started out as a bandmate but we became brothers and that's what I want, that's what I want us to be."
"It's hard Nialler, to see her so happy with you, not that I wish her to be unhappy but I thought maybe she felt something when she kissed me, you know?" I turned around to face him.
"I know Harry, and it's my fault that I let that happen."
"It's not your fault mate, she told me what happened, and you didn't do anything."
"What did she tell you?" He pushed his hands in his pockets and looked at the ground.
"That you two had an argument, something about how she wanted to go back to school and you wouldn't let her."
"God I love that girl, makes me look like a saint compared to what really happened." He came and leaned against the boot of my car.
"WHAT?! NIALL!" It was Lily running after Lou and El.
"What is it?" Niall's head shot up.
"Niall, what really happened?" I turned towards him.
"Niall, we have to go now. Emma's in labor!" She hurried around to the passenger side of their car.
"Holy shit! Do we need to grab anything? Do they need anything?" Niall looked like a lost puppy.
"Niall get in the car, we need to go."
"Oh shit! The keys! Did you grab them?"
"Nialler!" She whined.
"Go with Lou and El, Me and Harry will be behind you." He came walking towards me.
"Lou wait! Okay I love you." She gave him a quick kiss and ran off to the other car.
"Love you too." Niall yelled back as he came back to stand next to me.
"Niall, what happened?" I said through my teeth, his back to me.
"I cheated on her," his shoulders slumped, like a man who just gave up.
"You what?" I grabbed his shoulder and turned him towards me.
"It was after the VMAs, she was here and we were in L.A., I didn't mean for it to happen but you know we had a fight before I left and I felt lonely. Ellie showed up at my room wanting to talk, we started drinking and one thing led to another." His eyes started to water.
"Does she know?" I turned away, running my hand through my hair.
"Yeah, but the way she found out shouldn't have been the way, she found out through twitter and Ed had texted her, I didn't know that Ed and Ellie were seeing each other."
"Jesus Christ Niall! Exactly how many relationships did you ruin?" I faced him again.
"Just mine! That's why she went to you, I didn't understand it at the time but I knew I had really hurt her, but nothing compared to finding out that you had gotten her pregnant."
"After hearing this, I am glad I did. I knew you would hurt her! I knew from the start you would do something to fuck it all up!" I was in his face.
"I did but I am more than paying my dues! I have to wake up every morning to her crying in her sleep, she cringes when I touch her, and today was probably the closet that I have gotten to making love to her, and you just had to walk in!"
"Is that all she is to you?! A fuck buddy!"
"You know very well that is not all she is to me! I love her Harry, I loved her from the day I met her."
"She only loved you as Niall Horan, the famous Irish singer for One Direction."
"Better than being the guy she slept with to get revenge." I was taller than Niall but this time it felt like we were shoulder to shoulder, eye to eye.
"Cut the shit!" Liam came walking around the car, "do you know how many photographers and journalist are around? Anyone of them can hear about your twisted love triangle."
This snapped Niall and I out of our stare down.
"Shit. I hope they didn't hear anything." I thought to myself.
"Why are you two fighting anyways? I thought this whole Lily situation was handled." Liam was now standing between us looking at us like we are a pair of children who got caught doing something they weren't supposed to do.
"I thought it was too, but apparently someone can't move on." Niall told Liam.
"Me? I think you should be telling Lily that."
"She came to me remember?"
"I was my fault alright? Don't put this all on her, I was stupid, I forced her into your arms." Niall looked at his shoes.
"Enough," Liam looked at me then at Niall, "we don't need to be falling apart right now."
"He's right," I finally spoke, "besides Emma's in labor, I think we should be there for Zayn." I reached into my pocket and pulled out my keys.
"Emma's in labor?" Liam ran to his car, "Soph get back in we're heading to the hospital!"

*Niall's POV*
If I would have stayed away from Ellie I wouldn't be dealing with all of this now. I can't lose Lily, she left me for a few months after the Ellie fiasco and I almost died not having her beside me. It's scary, my feelings for her, I wish she knew how much she means to me.
"Do you need a ride?" Harry asked.
"I don't think us being in the same car right now is a good idea." I ran back to our flat and got the car keys. For the first time I noticed Lily's and I home, she definitely brought some color to my life. Her taste in music has had an influence on our new album. Whether I like to admit it I'm utterly in love with this woman and she thinks I would leave her in a heartbeat. There's only one way she'll know that I'm serious about her, that I want her by my side always, that she is the only woman I want to spend my life with. A year is a short time to know someone but when you feel feelings as strong as what we have, I have to let her know she's the only one for me.

*Lily's POV*
I hope the guys worked everything out, why did I have to go and mess with Harry, this is probably the worse thing a girl could do to the two most amazing guys ever.
"Lil you ok?" El brought me out of my trance.
"Yeah I guess, just a lot is going on with Niall."
"You know I never asked how you were after the VMA rumors?"
"Just gossip El, or I at least hope it was."
"Have you talked to Ellie about it?"
"Why? So she could tell me she slept with him. I don't think I could control myself if I ever saw her."
"So you think it actually happened?"
I never said it out loud, but I think that's the next step in moving on, "yes, yes I think it happened and Niall told me it did happen."
After that El got quiet.
"El, it's a big deal but you know Niall and I are working through it, we're trying to get back to the way it was."
"Lily, Em's having a baby, it's never going to be the same." Lou brought back our coffee.
"No, no it won't be the same."
"Lily?!" It was Liam, Sophia, and Harry rushing down the hall, "did we miss him or her?"
"No, she was brought in for contractions we're still waiting to hear wether she is in labor or a false labor."
"Can that happen?" Soph asked.
"Yeah you can have contractions and feel like you're going into labor but it's a false alarm, kinda like a test run." I smiled at her.
"How long ago did she come in?"
"Zayn called less than an hour ago." Lou was tucking his phone in his pocket.
Harry was just staring at me, he finally spoke, "Lil can I talk with you privately?"
"Yeah, where's Niall?"
"Oh he is bringing your car." Liam answered.
Harry walked past me to a vacant room down the hall, so I followed. Once I closed the door, "What's up?"
"Why didn't you tell me he cheated? He doesn't deserve the cover."
"I didn't cover for him, I just didn't know how to tell people, but we're working through it now."
"So you forgave him just like that?"
"No I didn't forgive him like that. I left. I went a and stayed at Lou's for a couple of weeks."
"How could I not have seen this?!" He said more to himself than me.
"Harry it's not your fault. Listen we are working through it, we'll be ok."
"You will but I won't. Lily you've known from the first time I met you I fell in love with you. Why can't you see that the one that loves the most is willing to give up everything to make sure you're happy, that includes giving up you."
"Don't play stupid Lily."
"Harry I knew you were interested but from when?"
"When I saw you outside the venue. Lily I saw you before Niall even gave you a second glance."
He took a step towards me and took my hands in his.
"When it came time to select our girls I told Liam I wanted you and that's when he told me Niall was picking you. You know how hard it was to watch you fall in love with my best friend. Knowing that he would eventually hurt you so much that I wouldn't be able to see you anymore. Lily I gave you up so you could be happy with Niall but now I knew I should have fought for you, I should have told you how I felt from when I first saw you."
"How did you feel?"
"I fell in love. I fell in love with your blush," he touched my cheek, "I fell in love with your eyes," his green eyes bore into mine. "Your smile," he brushed his thumb against my lips, he leaned in, for the first time since meeting him I didn't flinch. I wasn't scared, I wanted his lips against mine, my heart beats picked up. I've never noticed how soft his lips were, how he knew where to put his hands, if he would have tried this months ago I would have pushed him away, instead I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer.
He broke the kiss first, "I've waited so long for you."
"Harry, we can't," but I didn't try and push him away.
"Lily, please be with me. Let me make you happy, the way you deserve happiness."
"Yeah Lily, you deserve to be happy," we hadn't realized that the door had opened and Niall was standing there.

*Told you it wasn't finished. I will be updating more often hopefully. What's going to happen next?? What's Lily going to do??? Leave a comment with your guess.*

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