"You're cute," Camila shoots back straight away, "so, um, you know you care about me a lot and I'm the best girlfriend in the world and everything..."

"I'll lend you my old notes, Camz," Lauren promises her, as if she'd read Camila's mind. "You know, when we were studying this book last year, everyone was complaining about how we couldn't take the novel into the exam, and we had to memorise the quotes, but I've read it so many times that I could probably recite the whole thing from memory."

Camila snorts. "Nerd."

"When he was nearly thirteen, my brother Jem got his arm badly broken at the elbow," Lauren recites, and Camila rolls her eyes, laughing. "You're going to do well with my help. I got the highest grade anyone has ever gotten on that, with a college-level analysis."

"Wow, brag much?" Camila laughs. "Have you read Go Set a Watchman?"

"Ugh, yes," Lauren pouts, shaking her head, "I wish I hadn't, though. I didn't enjoy it and it ruined Atticus' character for me. And the whole thing with Jem..."

"Well, no spoilers, I haven't read it," Camila says, and Lauren just hums. "Anyway, what're you doing here? Did the badass Jauregui get a detention or something?"

"Nope, I stayed late to work on my final piece in art class and I was heading to my car when I saw a cute girl in the library," Lauren smiles, "then I realised that the cute girl was my girlfriend, and that just made me happier."

Camila laughs, but doesn't respond to Lauren's compliment. She's more interested in something else. "Your final piece in art? Can I see it?"

"When it's finished," Lauren smiles elusively, "which it's not, yet."

Camila frowns in thought. "You're doing portraiture, right?"

"It's cute that you remembered that," Lauren beams, nodding in affirmation. "Yep, that's what I'm doing. I'm painting my final piece, and today I started painting my subject."

Camila hums. "So, Mani? Is she here too?"

"No, dumbass, I was painting you," Lauren rolls her eyes, "I might be your muse when you're writing songs, but you're my muse when I paint."

Camila smiles, practically throwing herself on Lauren in a hug. "You don't know how much that means to me."

Lauren kisses the top of her head and smiles. "Anyway, are we still on for our date tonight? I've got the takeout menus at the ready, so..."

"Of course," Camila nods, deciding she's done enough work and starting to pack her books away. "Am I coming to yours now?"

"I'm in need of a nap, so I won't be the most lively of hostesses," Lauren laughs, "I was at work this morning, and I didn't really get much sleep before."

"That's fine, I love cuddling you," Camila grins, pulling her backpack on and taking Lauren's hand, following her girlfriend out of the library. "Anyway, is it just pyjamas tonight, or do I have to keep my jeans on?"

"Depends on what you consider the dress code for my house to be," Lauren comments, and Camila grins, already looking forward to dinner, because she knows she's going to force Lauren into ordering Domino's. "Probably pyjamas, I'd say."

"Nice," Camila grins, letting go of Lauren's hand once they get into the parking lot to skip over to her girlfriend's car and get into the passenger side once it's unlocked. Once she buckles herself in, and Lauren starts to drive, Camila smirks to herself. "I'm wearing your leather jacket the next time we go out to a restaurant or something, though."

"Key word; mine." Lauren points out, "I'm wearing it."

"But- but..." Camila's bottom lip juts out, and Lauren feels her resolve cracking a little, "I thought you liked it when I wore your clothes."

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