15. A Plan

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A plan

The next morning, Blaise stumbled to breakfast in a haze. He felt as if the world he was walking in wasn't real and that all of yesterday was but a dream. If it weren't for Pansy giving him sly grins and glares along with Draco congratulating him first thing in the morning, he would have certainly thought so.

"Sleeping beauty awakens!" Pansy said as Blaise joined them at the Slytherin table.

"Sleeping beauty?" Blaise asked, confused at the title.

"Muggle thing," Pansy waved him off, taking a bite of her toast.

"Muggle thing?" Blaise asked, confused even more.

Pansy hummed and dismissively buttered another slice of toast, as if what had come out of her mouth was the most natural thing.

Blaise cast Draco with a look that said 'are you hearing this right now?' and in return got nothing, because surprise, surprise, lover boy was busy making eyes at Potter from across the hall.

Rolling his eyes, he casually turned around to see that indeed, Potter was returning the sickening stare with one of his own, head resting on his chin like a love-sick girl.

Almost as if they had a mind of their own, his eyes slid to where Neville was sitting, happily munching on some eggs. He looked very angelic with the sunlight through the windows framing his head in a perfect golden glow, making Blaise's stomach feel fluttery.

As if noticing his stare, Neville glanced up from his breakfast to meet Blaise's gaze with a bright smile. In return, Blaise was unable to do anything but blush and turn around again, clutching at the table and willing his face to return to a normal colour.


"Shut up, Draco,"

"Even I wasn't that bad," Draco had the nerve to say, not breaking eye contact with Potter.

"Well, if you consider obsessing, whining and doing stupid things for attention from Potter to be 'not bad' then yes, you are correct," Blaise  retorted, feeling victorious when Draco finally ripped his stare away from the Gryffindor table to give him a glare.

"If looks could kill..." Pansy chuckled.

"Sadly, they cannot," Draco huffed.


"Do you suppose one of us will die today?" Pansy wondered as they rushed their way to the greenhouses to escape the cold. The nice sunny weather had disappeared, leaving them with chilly winds and dark storm clouds crowding the sky.

"Perhaps," Draco answered, pulling his scarf tighter around himself.

"Stop being so dramatic, you two," Blaise chided. "It's only a giant plant out to rip off all of our limbs."

"You're only being so positive because you have Neville and Hermione as your partners," Pansy grumbled. "I have Seamus-I-like-to-blow-things-up-Finnigan and Lavender Brown."

"Since when did you call Granger by her first name?" Draco asked.

"Since recently, I suppose," Pansy drawled, walking ahead to enter the greenhouse.

"Recently?" Blaise parroted. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Draco shrugged and they followed her inside. It was certainly strange how Pansy was acting, but she was obviously not going to share anytime soon, so it was always best to leave her be.

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