Chapter 5

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It's been two months since the big escapade of my escape from Paul. I am now not allowed to be outside this wall for the next three months, and if Paul or any of his packmates shows their faces, I have to stay in for another six months. It's awful. Every part of me is itching to be outside.
I decide to go out to the grocers, which is outdoors near the gate, and bring a small portion of cash with me. I have just gotten a basket and placed a pineapple in it when the gates begin to open. My head snaps up, and I grab my dagger in my boot, dropping the basket.

A big group of rough looking people are marched in with soldiers, and I relax some, still keeping a firm grip on the dagger.

One soldier breaks off from the group and approaches me. "Miss Irwin,would you please come with me so you can see if you recognize any of these people?" I know that this is the nice way of saying "Come with us to see if any of these new people are monsters.".

I follow him, leaving my basket and pineapple behind, slipping my dagger back in my boot. The soldier, who's name is Kreuk I do believe, leads me to a huge, round building where the crowd is ushered into.

I am pushed into a room with a one way glass window that shows me a room that each person will enter.

The first person enters, a young woman with a rounded abdomen. Her green eyes are bright and dart around the room, scared and untrusting.

I shake my head, and the next person enters. It seems like hours before the guard notifies me when there's only about ten people left, and I nod, looking at the next person.

He seems oddly familiar, what with his startling blue eyes, stocky build, and black hair that keeps flopping into his eyes. But I can't place where and when I've seen him. Or if I've even seen him.

I wave him on, moving on to the next person: a little old woman who's slower than an eighty year old, three legged turtle with a broken walker. I wave her on immediately.

The next nine people go by quickly, and I'm dismissed, so I go back to the market, buy what I need, (including the pineapple) and head home for dinner.

I just cannot get that one man out of my mind. I know I've seen him before. Perhaps I've caught a glance of him on the hunt; he might be one of those people who live in the woods yet stay near enough to the wall to keep away from the wolves.

When I get home, I dump the contents of my grocery shopping on the table, and my mother comes over immediately.

"Oh, good, we needed sugar." She says, grabbing what things she needs right now to make supper and goes back into the kitchen, already zoned out.

I find Dad and Grandad on the couch, watching some sort of news report about how there is supposedly a new group of surviving humans somewhere in the ruins of Australia.

I move on, walking down the hallway to my room. I haven't spotted my sisters anywhere, so they must be either on a hunt or in training.

Once in the confines of my bedroom, I grab my laptop and begin typing away at it, looking at the monitoring of the packs.

Not many are lit up, which is good. When they are lit up, it means that there has been an aggressive act towards a hunter.

Paul's pack is lit up the brightest.

I shut my laptop, trying to remember again where I'd seen the blue eyed man from earlier.

I walk back into the kitchen when Mom calls that its time for dinner, neither Lindsey nor Fay showed up, confirming my suspicions of them hunting.

"Fay's hunting?" I asked, thoroughly surprised, and Mom nods.

"Lindsey's with her." Dad says, worry evident in his deep voice.

"That's preposterous! The first time I went hunting was when I was eight! And I was alone!" Grandad says, raising a white brow.

Dad waves him off. "All of our children have waited until they were ten. And I only made the mistake of letting them go alone once."

I know he's talking about Elijah, and I sigh, missing my twin more than ever. It sucks not having someone that close to you to talk to. His bed is still in my room. I won't let them take it out. I'm too afraid I might forget him.


Some nights later, about another week I think, I had a dream. Well, not quite a dream. A memory I suppose.

I was in a road, short sword drawn, facing three men. One of them was Paul. I faced off with one, one with floppy black hair and startling blue eyes. I deliver a cut to him and whirl on the other when Paul catches my arm.

I woke in a cold sweat. The blue eyed man had a name now. Colin. One of Paul's men.

Luckily for me I could rush over there, even with it just seven in the morning. I slipped on my uniform, glad to be out of Brin's clothes, even though I'd never met her.

I pull my hair into a high ponytail, then run out the door, high tailing it to the Commanders building.

When I get there, the secretary jumps up, then glares at me for scaring her.

"Sorry Jane but I have to see the Commander right now!" I say, brushing past her and throwing open the Commander's door.

He lurches to his feet, an angry look sketched on his face. I glance at the man sitting across from him and gasp, backing away.

The man sitting there is Colin.

//Teehee plot twist! Well sort of anyways. Next up is gonna be a longer chapter.


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