Chapter 11

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I wake to loud banging from above me and a hand over my mouth. I meet Colin's eyes, then put two and two together. Rogues are in the pack house. Rogues got past the others. Rogues got past Paul. Paul is most likely dead.

"I can smell her, I just can't find her!" One of them whines, right outside the door to the saferoom.

"She must be under the stairs. But how? It's seamless!" Another snaps, beating on the wall. His voice seems familiar, but I can't place it.

My heart skips a beat and I feel a bead of sweat roll down my brow. Colin's eyes are black now, and his lips are curled in a silent snarl. There's a slight vibration from his chest from where he's growling lowly, but not loud enough to be picked up by eavesdroppers.

"Wait, there's a panel here!" I cringe, knowing that if one of them figures out how to open this door, we're screwed. Terribly, terribly screwed.

One of them curses, loudly ,and my heart stops. "It needs a code--someone get Donoven!"

One of them goes back to pound back up the stairs, then pauses. "Hey Xerxes, why can't we just rip up the boards? We could get to them easier that way."

My eyes widen at the mention of Paul's uncle's name. I knew that voice sounded familiar.

"Oh wow, Franco actually used his brain for once!" Xerxes applauds slowly.

They begin to saw and rip and tear at the boards above us, making years of dust and dirt fall down onto us. I feel a sneeze coming on, and with Colin's hand over my mouth, I can't tell him. I reach up, tapping his hand, and he moves it. I bend in half, pinching my nose. I try and hold it back, but a weird "hnnnnnngh!" sound escapes, making the rogues work faster, realizing that I am indeed in here.

Colin stands, shifting quietly, crouching as one of the boards wiggle, ready to launch himself at the attacker. They rip the board up and Colin leaps forward, engaging Xerxes.

Two other rogues fall into the opening, a burlap sack in the hands of the smaller one.

I go on the defense, whipping my right fist around and breaking the larger rogues jaw easily. He swears, backing off.

He cups it as it heals, snatching the burlap sack from the smaller one and kicking him forward. The small rogue charges me, so sidestep them stick my arm out, flipping him with much more force than what I used on Brin earlier.

The rogue wheezes, struggling to sit up, but I raise my foot, slamming it into his face. His nose cracks, blood pouring from it, and he howls. I do it a second time and there's another crunch and he is still.

The bigger rogue comes at me again, so I swung my left fist at him weakly. He catches it, as planned, but I quickly slam my right fist into his nose, breaking it.

The bigger rogue snarls, flipping me into my back and planting a firm boot on my chest.

"You're gonna love-" I don't let him finish the sentence, instead grabbing his foot and shin, yanking hard and spraining it.

I kneel over him, pinning his arms down with my knees. I hit him once, twice, three times in the face until he is still.

I slam my hand on the panel that opens the secret door, only to be met face to face with Xerxes.

"Hello sweetheart." He says sickeningly, then there's a flash of pain and darkness envelops me.

//oh wow two chapters within twelve hours of each other. its a record. i should be sleeping in a mood so yall will probably get another chapter really soon! XD\\

i just realized how short this chapter is

i apologize

the next one will probably be shorter.



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