Chapter 23

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I snuggle deeper into a very soft, warm wall, taking a deep breath. A delicious scent floods my senses, and I sigh contentedly.

The wall rumbles, and the sound registers as a chuckle. I crack my eyes, looking up slightly to see Paul smiling down at me, hazel eyes twinkling.

"Good morning." He says, voice husky.

My answer is a yawn, making Paul chuckle again.

We had stayed up until the wee hours of the morning discussing what me 'trying' meant.

I'm still a bit skittish around Paul; sometimes a vision will hit me out of nowhere, and it takes me ages to uncurl from the ball I curl up into.

I sit up, running a hand through my hair to push it out of my eyes. A yummy smell is drifting through the door, and my stomach growls loudly.

I giggle, standing and stretching before beginning to make my way downstairs, Paul right behind me.

Whenever we enter the kitchen and dining area, everyone falls silent at the sight of me.

I feel my cheeks begin to burn, knowing that the center of everyone's attention was my eyes.

A young girl bustles around, shoving people away from her to get through. I recognize Naomi and smile, embracing her.

"How are you?" I ask softly, to where no one but she and I could hear.

She shrugs. "I'm okay. I've been better, but since I'm not allowed to see Elijah.."

I sigh. Paul and I had had a row about whether or not Naomi and Elijah were allowed to see each other. He had won, seeing as how he pulled the it-was-your-brother-that-made-you-insane card. Several times.

Everyone is still frozen, staring at me like I'm a bomb that's about to go off.

A large man breaks away from the crowd. "Alpha," he rumbles, "are you sure your mate is mentally stable enough to be accepted into this pack as Luna?"

Paul stands up completely, still having an inch on the huge man before us.

"Yes. I do."

"Then I will stand by your decision."

A smaller man, one just a bit bigger than me in height, shoves foreword. "Well I don't. Your mate is insane, Paul. How can you possibly think she's fit to rule over a pack?"

Paul bares his teeth, but I move before he does. Within seconds I have the man on the floor.

My knee is planted firmly in his chest, my claws pressed against his throat.

"What were you saying?" I growl, pushing my claws into his skin, drawing blood.

The man swallows, not speaking. I remove my claws, giving him room to move a bit.

"What is your name?" I inquire softly, a growl still in my voice.

"Ernie." The man says, Adam's apple bobbing up and down.

"Well Ernie, I do believe you've made quite a fool of yourself this evening," I say lowly, "because you have insulted both the Alpha of your pack and his mate."

Ernie closes his eyes, bottom lip trembling. "Please don't hurt me, ma'am. I-I just want what's best for the pack and, and I have a mate and kids and.."

He trails off with a squeak as I pick him up, shoving him towards Paul. "What do you do to people who speak against a ruler of the pack?"

Paul shrugs. "Usually he'd have to spend the night in the prison, but it's up to you. Now that you've accepted being Luna, well it's a Luna's job."

The Alpha's HumanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora