Chapter 22

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Paul slams the door behind him as he enters his bedroom after me, anger rolling off of him. I sit on the bed while he throws a fit, knocking over furniture. He smashes a lamp against the wall, then kicks the small table it was on hard enough to reduce it to splinters. He swivels, his gaze landing on the empty wall. He begins to slam his fists into it mercilessly, making dents and busting up the drywall.

Paul finally heaves out a huge sigh, not even breathing heavily. His knuckles are bloodstained, the cuts already healed. He swivels, advancing towards the bed like a cat stalking its prey.

"Do you know," he asks softly, "how close I was to losing you?"

I swallow, not meeting his gaze. "Not my fault. They caught me. There was nothing I could do about it."

Paul sighs. "Lyssa. Lyssa what you must understand is that all it takes is a bite and you are consequently someone else's. Doesn't mean there'll be a mating bond; it simply means you are their property. And I can't and won't let that happen."

He climbs onto the bed, laying me down on it and lowering himself over me. I begin to panic, thinking he's going to rape me or something, whenever I feel his canines scrape the juncture between my shoulder and neck.

I jerk in surprise, them begin to squirm. "Paul, no! I don't want this!" I scream, panic rising in me.

He holds me still, then bites me. I cry out in a mixture of pain and pleasure, moaning loudly whenever Paul begins to lick at the wound.

I'm still clinging to him when he goes to pull back, crying into his shoulder. If there was any possibility of me ever getting away from him, it's gone now. He'll be able to track me easier than breathing, and within a close vicinity he'll know exactly where I'm at.

I release him, turning to my side and crying into the pillow softly, my shoulders shaking. I feel a gentle touch on my shoulder, and I turn my head, meeting Paul's hazel gaze.

"Lyssa, I know you didn't want that. Really I do. But you don't understand how hard it is for me to have you running about where all these unmated males could snatch you up in an instant. With my mark they won't be able to do that anymore."

I turn back over, jerking away from Paul's touch. "Don't care. Didn't want to be with you anyways."

Paul sighs. "Do you really think your family will take you back now? I heard from Elijah that you shifted in front of your whole community. They'd kill you on sight."

I begin to sob. I hadn't really thought about that; I was pushing it away, not wanting to dwell on the fact that Paul was all I have now, besides my brother.

But I'd rather be shot then live with my brother. I can't stand him.

Paul lays down beside of me, playing with strands of my dirty hair. I sit up all of a sudden, grabbing my hair and pulling it over my shoulder and inspecting it.

Dirt, sweat, and blood overwhelm my sense of smell, making me gag.

"Would you happen to have scissors?" Paul nods.


I stand, stretching. Paul makes an odd noise, a mix between a groan and a growl. "Put some pants on before you do that."

I blush, looking down at my half naked self. "Just don't look, Paul."

I saunter into the bathroom, opening drawers and searching through them. I grab the pair of scissors, hacking off my long and tangle hair until it rested just below my shoulders.

I leave my bangs alone, simply parting them to the side so they don't hang in my face. Once I'm finished, I lay the scissors down, picking up the clumps of hair and throwing them in the trash.

I look into the mirror for a second before stripping off, then I turn the shower water on.

I wait, tapping my foot, while the water gets warm. I step in, going through the usual motions of taking a shower, but once I rinse my body of the suds I simply sit in the bottom of the tub while the hot water pelts off my back.

I put my head in my knees and begin to cry, thinking of how betrayed my family must feel. Thinking of how betrayed I feel.

The curtain is pulled to the side, and I jerk my head up. Paul stands before me, shirt already off.

"May I join you?" He asks, and I glare at him.


He sighs. "I'm taking a shower anyways."

He drops his jeans, and I turn my head as he grabs the waistband of his boxers.

Seconds later, I hear the tub creak under Paul's weight. He grabs me around the waist and stands me up.

I stay facing away from him, my cheeks bright red.

"Come on, turn around. I promise I'll be a good boy."

I sigh and reluctantly turn, keeping my gaze averted. Paul puts his finger under my chin, bring it up so I'll look at him.

"I know you're upset about your family, but at least try to get to know my pack, okay? Because you're a part of it now, too. Just try to open up, please." Paul pleads, taking my hands.

I sigh. "Okay. I'll try."

//idek how long this is(I usually try to get over 1000 words) bec I wrote it all on my phone so..yeah if it's extremely short I'm sorry but hey guess what I'm on


+no volleyball, (they assigned me to be the manager/stats keeper and my mother said "you aren't going to every practice and every game just to sit there and write stuff down!" so yeh..)

So anyways I will be able to update more regularly!!! Yay!! although you guys may not get chapters the week of June 13th-21st. Bec family be coming down that week.

But I will try to update the most I can! whoop whoop! okay anyways thanks for all the reads, please vote and comment!

Love you all!

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