Chapter 16

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"Every time I close my eyes, it's like a dark paradise."


First sound, then touch comes back to me, an intense pain radiating from the back of my skull.


My tongue is glued to the top of my mouth, making swallowing a challenge.


The sharp, clean scent of antiseptic reaches my nose, along with latex and medicine.


It suddenly occurs to me where I'm at. The infirmary.


I crack my eyes, wincing at the brightness of the light, then glare at the offending heart monitor, which is incessantly beeping.

"You're awake!"

I turn my head seeing my mother. An image of her, beaten and bloodied, passes through my minds eye, but I ignore it.

"Momma." My voice is a croak, and with every passing second, the pain in my head is lessening. Oh no. I completely forgot how easy werewolves heal..

"Lyssie, what exactly happened when you were taken again? Lindsey and Fay said that you were overjoyed to see them, then completely froze and started screaming your head off and scratching your neck. Then you collapsed."

I bite my lip, debating on whether or not to tell her the truth or not. It was pretty disturbing once you think about it.. I take a breath, looking her in the eye. For a second they appear harsh and orange, but the moment passes and they are back to their worried brown. Their dependable, loving brown.

"At first everything was slightly normal, I guess, I was just trying to formulate a plan to escape." I begin, but a small voice in my head whispers, liar.

"Then this terrible man, Paul's uncle, kidnapped me and took me to the prison on the packgrounds."

Mom furrows her brow. "Paul? As in the one who kidnapped you in the first place? The one you wouldn't let your father kill?" She accuses, and I nod.

"Yeah. Him. Well, anyways, they um, they took me to a special wing and tortured me with these special serums that twisted the memories I have and made me hallucinate. Everything was so real, mama," I whimper, "I could feel pain and smell everything! No matter what it was." I omit the parts about me being turned and also Elijah. That would ruin her. She, out of all of us, took his 'death' the hardest.

Mom sighs, looking at her hands. "I can get the doctors to put you on anti-hallucinogens, but I don't know how well that will work.. These serums that you spoke of have been tested, and some people, they've been messed up so badly that it's irreversible."

I swallow. To be like this forever? I had never thought of it that way. That sort of thinking, the pessimistic stuff, scares the bejeebies out of me. "When can I get out of the infirmery?" I ask, and Mom shrugs.

"Whenever you feel you can. The doctor deemed you fit enough, said you were in peak physical condition." I nod, then rip that stupid heart moniter off, unclipping everything.

The machine flatlines, and two nurses come running in immediately. When they see I'm the one doing it, they frown but go on. "Pull the plug on that will you? It's hurting my ears." I motion towards the machine and grab the uniform that is laying in a chair near me.

Mom frowns. "Really? It's not that loud."

I stiffen, then just shrug. "My ears have always been sort of sensitive." It's a bald faced lie, but I'm hoping I can bluff my way through this without giving away too much.

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