No Guarantees

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"You realize I have a life, right?" Ashton asks, looking irritated and bored to find us at his door step again.

Quinn gives him a look, "Your job is technically illegal and I could turn you in at anytime. Besides you and I both know you have no friends." She angles her head smugly and raises her eyebrows.

He narrows his eyes at her, but...was that amusement playing in his eyes? The look was gone just as fast as it came, but I know I didn't imagine it.

He looks up at the ceiling, chewing on his cheek, and nods. "Well played." He steps aside and holds the door open.

We all file in, the apartment too small for the five people inside. The door closes behind us and we all turn to Ashton "Who's this?" He says nodding to Jade.

"My sister." Quinn says simply, Ashton studies her then Jade and though its obvious he decides not to believe her, he doesnt say anything more of it.

"So what is it that you want?"

James is the one to answer, stepping away from the group to near the small bed in the corner, he looks down at it for a moment before falling on top it, resting a hand behind his head and crossing his ankles. "Ask Quinn, it's her crazy ass plan."

"It's not really a plan," I say, glancing between James, Quinn, and Ashton. "Not yet anyway, more of an idea really."

Ashton crosses the room, standing behind the small kitchen counter, he looks to James. "Make yourself at home, by the way," he says bitterly.

James winks then closes his eyes.

I follow Ashton to the kitchen, pull out a chair and sit down. Quinn and Jade come too, the latter glancing nervously around. Ashton looks at Quinn expectingly, waiting for an answer.

She looks at the old wood floors as if embarrassed then back up at him, sighing, "We need to break into the palace."

Ashton tips his head back, roaring with laughter. I almost jump at the sound, I didn't even think he knew how to laugh.

James sits up in the bed, looking the way I assume I look too, probably thinking the same thing.

"You?" Ashton's laughter pauses, "You pussies couldn't break into the palace even if they left the front gates unlocked."

"Why do you think we're here?" I ask.

"Let me guess, you need me to protect you guys and cover your backs."

"Thanks Ashton. That would mean a lot to me," James says sarcastically.

"I haven't agreed to anything yet, but if I were to help you guys, how do you even plan on getting in?"

I lay my hands on the table, palms down, trying desperately to sort through the endless possibilities. "I might have an idea, but it's risky and we are gonna need a lot of stuff." I look up at everyone, one at a time, then start to explain. "We need two servant invites, one for me and one for Quinn, a guard uniform for James, and for Ashton--"

"Dont worry about me, I can get an invitation." Ashton cuts in, Quinn raises her eyebrows at him and he shrugs, "I know a guy."

I nod, "All right, but we are still going to need dresses and suits and a layout of the castle."

"And what do you plan to do with these things once we have them?" James asks, throwing his legs off the side of the bed and resting his elbows on his knees.

"Dont worry about it yet, right now just focus on getting them."

"I can get the dresses and suits, I know someone who owes me a favor and they should be ready in a few days." Jade looks at Quinn as she talks then back to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2019 ⏰

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