Where to?

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This is a nightmare, one that I thought I woke up from. Seeing Quinn reminded me of that place, seeing her meant that it was coming back. The thoughts and memories haunt me as I eat breakfast and get ready for school. I wasn't going to go to school today, not after the whole cuts fiasco. My parents freaked out over it. I convinced them to let me go anyway. Of course like every morning, I go to the subway with my mom.

When we takes a seat, she begins interrogating me again. "Wyatt, why won't you tell us what happened to you."

"I told you already, I don't know. I can't remember how it happened." I rub one of the cuts on my forarm.

"I know when you're lying to me. I'll find out soon enough."

"Here's my stop, bye mom and there's nothing to find out, I'm telling the truth." I walk out before she can say another word. Do I feel bad about lying to her? Yes. It's for a good reason though, if I told her the truth she'd think I'm crazy.

I enter the school, and walk through the halls filled with school spirit and head straight for the library. I rarely get a book, I just look at them and admire them. I run my fingers along the spines my favorite book series. Every time I look at the covers, it sends my stomach spiraling. Remembering the story and characters, if only I could go back and read it again, for the first time.

The bell rings and I slowly head to class. My first class of the day is history, which I happen to have with the cute boy James. The history class is small, smaller than usual with posters of the Declaration of Independence, the Gettysburg Address, and other famous writings and speeches.

In history I take my seat near the back, I hate sitting in the front, draws to much attention to you. I prefer to go unnoticed.

We have a boring history lesson that I barely pay attention to, something about the Titanic I think, and five minutes before the bell is meant to ring Ms. Betita starts up again with a new assignment.

"We are going to do a group project. I will assign you a partner and give you guys an event to do a presentation on," she points to two people and names them as partners. A minute goes by when she finally gets to me. "Wyatt and James," I freeze. I have to actually talk to him now. After she finishes, the bell rings. I gather up my stuff ready to leave.

Then James walks up to me. "So I guess we're partners. Want to meet at my house after school to work on the project?"

"Sure." I say, trying to hid my nervousness.

"I'll text you my address." We exchange numbers then head our separate ways.

I'll admit, I'm giddy the rest of the day. All I want to do now is head home and wait for him to text me. I suffer through English and mumble my way through Math. The only thing we do in foods is take notes, and when the final bell rings I rush out the door. Not saying goodbye to Anna or the boys at our table, I go as fast as my tank's wheels will spin.

When I get home, Mom's busy cooking and Dad's still off at work. I try to sneak in, not really wanting to talk to Mom right now, but I forget the door makes a loud poping noise every time it shuts.

"Oh, good!" Mom calls out, "come help me real quick?"

I sigh in disapointment and drag my feet as I walk into the kitchen. Our kitchen is basically all white with silver appliances.

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