Underground Fight Ring

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Memories of earlier today circle my head as I scrub the remains of lunch off the dishes. The way he was looking at me was as if he already knew me. But I know I haven't met him before because I would remember him. He's an unforgettable person, not because he is handsome, I mean yes he is but that is beside the point.

It's the way he carries himself, as if he has no fear. As if he's already experienced the worst thing that could possibly happen. You could see the pain he was trying to mask in his eyes. There's a mysterious look to him as if he is keeping all the secrets in the world. I'll find out those secrets, because I think they might have something to do with me. I don't know how I know, I just have a gut feeling that we are connected somehow.

I finally get done with the dishes and I'm done for the day. I have been scrubbing for hours, my fingers wrinkled from the water. The first thing I decide to do is head straight for the barn. I quickly speed walk there, while trying to make myself look as presentable as possible along the way. I reach the barn, and run my fingers through my hair and dust off my clothes one last time. I clear my throat and enter the barn and to my disappointment the barn is empty.

I wasn't expecting him to stay, I mean he barely even knows me. I'll probably never see him again. I shake my head and go to my favorite spot in the barn, which is this secret area in the ceiling, the ladder hidden behind bales of hay. I climb up the shaky ladder slowly. I always expect myself to fall to my death, but it never happens luckily.

It's a small space with openings in the floorboards. They creak and moan under feet, threatening to give way at any moment. There's a small opening in one of the walls, meant to be a window, but the glass had come out years ago, that at the right time of day the sun is perfectly centered in it.

I cross the room, ducking, so I don't hit my head on the low hanging rafters, and find the small gap in the wall just large enough to hide something in. Reaching my hand inside I feel around for the familiar soft cover of my book, but all I touch is rough decaying wood.
My chest constricts suddenly, panic winding its way through my body. I feel my heart quicken and I reach for my book again, hoping all I did was miss it, but the space is empty.

My breath speeds up, coming out in short, shallow huffs, tears start to well up in my eyes, that book is all I had left of my parents. I feel like a part of me has been ripped out of my body and now it's just hollow, a heavy emptiness inside me. That book was what I held onto, it's what got me through when I felt like giving up, when I had worked my hands so much my fingertips were bloody. I have kept it safe and a secret for sixteen years and now it's suddenly vanished into thin air. Just like that.

I have to find it, but it could be literally anywhere. Literally anyone could have found it and taken it. I kick the floor in frustration. The floor cracks and my leg falls straight through. I yelp in pain, I pull my leg out, nothing too bad, only a few scraps that I should take care of. I climb down the latter, my leg aching. I can't find the next rung and I misstep. I land hard on the ground and groan in pain, I have the worst luck.

I slowly get up and go to the servant's area. I grab the last of the bandages out of the medical cabinet and wrap the worst cuts on my leg. That should do it. Only now I have to go out and buy some more without Mrs. Evanoch finding out I used them all.

I grab Jade's old rusty bike and ride it into the city. She's had this bike for ages, it's the only thing her parents left for her. It's a dainty little thing, with chipped off light blue paint and a worn down leather seat. Its barely holding together with some hot glue and duct tape.

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