Author's Note (After the Rewrite)

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Before we start...

1. This is the only Utapri fanfiction that I strived to make it comprehensible to everybody including the non-fans of Utapri. 

2. I am not an author who loves to describe how handsome or beautiful her characters are repetitively except it is useful for the plot. But, for this story, I need the male lead aka Tokiya to be so handsome (he's a heart-throb in this story after all) because it affected the plot. So, if you think that I exaggerated the description, please bear with me. I don't like to do this either lol.

3. Unlike Utapri original concept which revolved around songs and how music could change the world, this story just showed the conflicts of adults in his and her 30s, in addition to their career and love life. This story also does contain some mature themes such as the dark side of showbiz, brief mention of sexual assault, mental disorder, and suicide attempt. I will put a warning for chapters that contain such themes. 

4. Masato's disease is fictional. I totally made up those symptoms so I apologized if you cringed at how I wrote about the disease.

5. Again, this is a slow-paced story. So, when something happened to any of the characters, their reaction would base on how a real human react. It's also based on what I understand from their personality especially when they've become an adult. 

That's all. I hope you enjoy your reading :D 

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