Patton opened Logan's to find a bunch of socks, just a box filled with brightly colored, fluff socks. Which was amazing in Patton's eyes. Rem gave Virgil a raised eyebrow, along with his mouth being slightly ajar, but the emo just shook his head with an amused laugh.

Then Patton opened Roman's to find a cat plushy, to go with his collection. And Rem had gotten him a bunch of bracelets with attachable animals charms. And Virgil, had gotten him a note.

It read: "You'll understand in a minute, when the doorbell rings. Just wait."

"Okay?" Patton furrowed his brows before smiling again. "Here, Verge, give me the camera. You all have to open my Pat-zents now... Well, That pun did not work."

They all moved so they were in shot of the camera, all in different states of confusion.

"Okay, open them!" Patton cheered, smile wide.

Prince was the first to get his open, and he gasped so loud the neighbors probably thought someone just died. In the box was a red notebook with a bunch of cartoonishly drawn musical posters glued to the front, with cardboard in between to make them stick out. Next to the notebook was a mason jar with what looked to be fairies on the outside, along with lights on the inside so that when it lit up, it would appear that fairies were on the walls. And there was a tiny felted plush of Roman. The color of Roman's face resembled the notebook.

Logan's eyes went wide. A blue notebook with a silhouette of Sherlock was placed in the middle, next to it a jar filled that contained a terrarium. The terrarium contained fake flowers, some trees, and toy deer. And On the other side of the box was a mini Logan, felted.

Virgil got a purple notebook with various emo lyrics written on it. Next to that was a mason jar turned into a snow globe, that held all of them. Roman, Patton, Logan, Virgil, and Rem, all holding hands, in clay form. They were very simplified, yes, but you could tell who they were. And of course, there was a little Virgil in there too. 

And finally, Rem had opened his box to find a pink notebook, absolutely covered in mean girls quotes. Along with some childish drawings of coffee cups. There was also a mason jar filled with origami stars, varying between pink, black, and white. And there was a small Remy in there too.

Roman tackled Patton into a tight hug, turning off the camera, and putting it away. Roman returned to hugging his boyfriend, both giggling like little girls.

Suddenly, the doorbell went off. Logan got up to get it, Virgil trailing behind. At the door, was Elliot, with a dog in his arms. Patton stood up, eyes wide, smile even wider.

Elliot was let in, along with the dog they were carrying. Patton was bouncing up and down, as the dog was put into his arms. He settled down as the young pomerainian cuddled into him, eventually sitting down. Patton was cooing at the dog, mumbling about how cute it was, discovering the tag she had revealed her name to be "Sassy".

"Thanks, Ell. Do you want to stay? We're just sitting around today and I know your family- yeah." Virgil rubbed the back of his neck, offering a shy grin.

"Don't worry about it. I actually- I have a date." Elliot explained.

"Not your soulmate?" 

"Nah, I don't think I'm gonna find them. Plus, it's just a date."

"Alright. If they hurt you, come to me. I will f*ck them up." Virgil claimed.

"I don't the he's like that, but okay. I will." Elliot smiled reassuringly, going to leave. "See you at work on Monday?" 

"Yeah, Monday." Virgil nodded, watching as Elliot left.

"So, do we get the puppy for the rest of the day?" Patton asked, the pup in his hands.

"No..." Virgil teased him.

"Half the day?" 


"Two days?"


"Verge, how long can I cuddle this fluff ball? I need to know! I don't want to part with Sassy."

"Well, you don't have to. We own her." Virgil watched as Patton's face absolutely lit up, eyes stary and teary. 

"We have a dog!" Patton shouted, causing Sassy to flinch back. Patton mumbled an apology to the dog, before saying much quieter. "We got a puppers." 

"Yes, we have all agreed to get a dog. We have the space for it, and the items necessary." Logan confirmed, gesturing to the garage, which probably held the items that he was talking about.

"Best. Christmas. Ever." Patton giggled, going back to sit on the couch, next to Rem, so they could both play with Sassy. "Now, I just have to eat all of the candy I got."

"Let's not eat all of it." Virgil laughed.

"But- candy..." Patton whined.

"You're amazing, Sugar." Remy laughed, hand running through fluff.

"You're amazing too." Patton claimed, earning no response, though Rem was still smiling like he was before. Still happy. Still safe. But Patton wanted to make that smile bigger. "Remazing, to be clear." 

And Remy snorted, actually snorted. And wow, was he pretty. And Patton really wanted to kiss him. So, f*ck it. They liked eachother. Patton wasn't dumb. He could tell Remy liked him, and Patton loved everything, including the coffee dork, so f*ck it.

Patton jumped up to press his lips to Rem's. Quick and sweet, a puppy snuggled into Patton's lap. Dorky smiles across everyone's faces. 

Roman joined the two in the couch, and then Logan and Virgil. All getting a turn to play with the happy puppy. Joy in every single one of them.

And that's how their life would stay for a long time. Smiles and happiness. And it never really stopped. They were happy a lot of the time, and even when they weren't, they had eachother to bring them up. They were never alone.

They were happy.


Deceit had opened his door to find a box, that appeared to be a gift from his brother, Patton. He unwrapped it to find a yellow notebook, with top hats pasted on it, sticking out using cardboard. A jar filled with different sweets was next to it. The jar had snakes drawn on the sides, along with a note hanging off of it that read, "for my sweet toothed bro. Don't rot those fangs though." And the last thing in the box was a plush snake.

"Dork." Dee chuckled, glad he had given his brother a present, which was just a box filled with candy. He prayed the others didn't call him while all hell broke loose, as Patton got on a sugar high.

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