The movies came and went, until Rem had managed to fall asleep on Virgil, so Roman had to get up to change the movies. Then Roman fell asleep, leaving the job to Logan. Virgil ended up resting his eyes for to long and falling into a deep slumber. Leaving just Logan and Patton, watching the live action Grinch. 

"Hey, Lo?" Patton asked in a whisper, as to not wake the others.

"Yes, Pat?" 

"I wanted to ask you if you- you are okay, emotionally. I just want to know you're okay after Roman." Patton claimed.

Patton said it so the bond didn't force Logan to respond, which was very sweet, but it made Logan have to think about his response, which was not ideal.

"I am okay. Roman didn't break me emotionally. It was a crush that I believe I have gotten over. I may fantasize about him sometimes, but I don't see him as I do you and Virgil, anymore. I am completely fine." Logan explained. And it was true. It had to be true if he was telling it to Patton. 

"Good. I'm glad you're okay." Patton whispered, laying his head on Logan's shoulder. He was out like a light. The movie eventually ended, with everyone curled up on the couch. And everything was peaceful for about eight hours, until Patton woke up.

"Christmas!" He shouted, standing up, making Logan jump back, his glasses lopsided now. Everyone, except Rem, had flinched back in a similar manner. Rem was still deep asleep. "We have to open presents now!" Patton nearly flung himself at the tree. Virgil shook Rem into mild consciousness, pressing a cup of coffee into the strawberry blonde's hands.

Virgil called someone, but Patton was too busy focusing on other things to even notice.

Eventually, Patton had moved all of the presents into groups, each for the person receiving the gift. Patton had the camera recording, and on Logan.

"Me first? Alright. Who's should I start off with? Color coded? By size? Alphabetical?" Logan mumbled to himself.

"Don't do any of that, and just grab the nearest one!" Virgil yelled from across the room.

So, Logan did, opening Roman's, which was a set of six jars of Crofters. Rem got him a book. Then Virgil's was a new puzzle. 

"Well, that face is just precious." Rem cooed at Logan's stary eyes. 

"Shut up." Logan scolded, going to open Patton's.

"No!" Patton shouted. "I want you all to open those at the same time!" 

"Fine, Pat." Logan rolled his eyes, curiosity seeping out. 

Logan got Roman a new sash and a cape. Virgil got him more Disney movies. And Rem got Roman a crown shaped pillow. Roman was smiling as wide as he could.

"Remy's turn!" Patton shouted.

The coffee lover got a bag of coffee from Logan, with a note that warned him not to drink too much, a hand bag from Roman, and a travel mug from Virgil. 

Then all eyes were focused on Virgil, and his anxiety decided to kick in for a second. What if he opens them wrong? What if he breaks them? What if he doesn't like his presents? What if all this worrying is just making him look more awkward?

He swallowed down that bitter emotion and opened the bag that Roman gave him. A make-up kit was inside, along with a note that called Virgil out for his fail at eye shadow. Rem had given him the newest Panic! album. And Logan had gotten him a black hoodie with "black is my happy color" written on it. Virgil chuckled as the camera was passed off to him, so that Patton could open his gifts.

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