Starscream's Plan

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Starscream didn't know if he should be happy or scared. Even if he wished himself to take care of her he although felt quite insecure since he didn't know how to handle a sparkling.
"Are you afraid, Starscream?", his master mocked and gave him a grin while the second in command just stayed quiet, feeling uncomfortable by being watched of his members.
"Afraid? Me? What are you thinking", he scoffed and then knelt down to Skydive. "I'll teach her how to be a good seeker."
"Good. Otherwise it will have consequences", his leader grumbled and motioned Starscream to leave.

"Where is she? WHERE DID SHE GO?", Ratchet yelled in anger and fear, searching the place for his little daughter but there was no life sign of her.
"I have this feeling... The cons took her." Wheeljack, who stood remote in shock, feeling responsible for Skydive's disappearance, tried to calm the situation a little. But it was understandable that Ratched was just a concerned mess, afraid that someone would hurt his sparkling.
"She's too young for them. They can't teach her yet-"
"Ratchet", the wrecker sighed and laid a servo on his mate's shoulder. "That's the point. She's young. And easy to train. That's why they took her."
"I want her back... I want my sparkling back..." A quiet sob came from the medic as he hid his face in his servos.
How can we get her back if we can't locate the Nemesis..? Wheeljack seemed clueless and just suffered from his quick loss.

The second in command frowned when he was together with Skydive in his room, sitting on the berth.
"Come here, Sky."
He was visibly surprised when he saw her walking to him, climbing on his berth next to him.
"Listen, I am not your dad or anyone else you should worry or care about. I'm just want to help you out that you can get back to your parents. But to get to this point you must play the same game with me."
Skydive nodded, understanding what he said.
"I'm impressed, you're learning fast", Starscream smiled slightly and took Skydive's servo to comfort her.
"I already have an idea but it will take time and needs an obedient little girl."

In the late night, after the little femme has fallen asleep, Starscream started on his plan, his project to impress Megatron but also to save the little girl from her torture. The night was quiet, the ship was all dark, every source of light was turned off except Starscream's desk where he was sitting at, sketching out his masterplan. He knew he couldn't trust anyone, not even his best friend Knockout. He was sure that the con-medic would tell Megatron about it so he kept his project in the dark, working on it in the night, training at the day.
Minute after minute, hour after hour, day after day had passed as the plan started forming more and more.
Megatron, of course, kept track of Starscream's businesses to make sure that he taught her properly.
Unfortunately due to him working all day and night it caused him to malfunction, his system overheating. Yet Skydive could help him out and fixed his little problem. Both were quite sneaky and glad at the same time that no one had noticed the robot Starscream had invented, looking exactly like Skydive.

4 weeks had gone over already, Ratchet was not able to work, mentally at the edge with the thought that he might never see his little girl again. Wheeljack couldn't help him calm a little nor could his old medic friend TryOut who was a psychologist.
Meanwhile Starscream had finished the project, building the exact same model like Skydive was, giving her the same mind and experiences.
After 2 months the second in command finally decided to give back the little girl to who she belonged.

It came to the day where he decided to inform the Bots about the situation.

Luckily no one was a the control panel at the moment so Starscream could reach out to comlink the Autobot base.
"Hey, a signal is coming in", Navy suddenly said who took Ratchet's place as long as he was in his bad condition.
"Accept it", Optimus said and stepped to her side.
"Autobot base here. Identify yourself."
"Hello there, Autobots", Starscream responded through the comlink.
"Starscream? What do you want-", Wheeljack wanted to know. "We have not time for you."
"Maybe not for me. But for her." As Starscream made a step aside the panel Skydive's optics brightened.
"Daddy", she said happily as she heard Wheeljack's voice on the other end.
"Sky- What have you done to her-", the wrecker growled and was about to break the monitors in anger but he could compose himself.
"Me? Nothing, I helped her. But Megatron wants to train her. I won't let this happen. Even if it costs my spark I'll bring her back."
"How can we believe you...?", Navy asked this time. Even she seemed at little sceptical.
"You gotta trust me. I'll send you the coordinates. I'll be there tomorrow." With that the signal disappeared.
"We have to give it a try...", Wheeljack said determined and clenched his fists. "I want her back. And so does Ratchet."

Excuse my delay on updating, I had no motivation
I hope you can understand

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