chapter fifty-three

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"I was thinking, now that I've finished school and have more time for Roman, that maybe we should start looking at places together."

"I don't think that's such a good idea."

"Why not? You got another nigga or something?"

"I'm not you."

"I know I done made some fucked up choices, but why you won't let me show you I've grown up from that shit?"

"I just need some time. I don't want bad air between us in a house together."

"You trippin."

"I'm doing what's best for me and my son."

"So fuck how I feel?"

"No one said that, but I'm not your puppet. Things don't always have to be done when you're ready."

"Say less." And with that Shawn walked out of the door.

As good as it sounded, Jazmine didn't want things to work between her and Shawn, but instead to co-parent. She was dealing with the consequences of even dealing with him in the first place. When she thought about her relationship with Shawn, and then her friendship with Milah, it wasn't even worth it. Maybe he had "grown up." She just didn't want to find out. He had cheated on her in a time of need, and she felt as though there was no return. She wanted someone who cared about her feelings enough to end things before they stepped out on her. Until she found that, she was going to focus on herself and her son. That's all that mattered to her now.


"Maybe we should take a break."

"I did something wrong?"

"No, I just need to gather my thoughts."

"You're still upset about Layla?"

"No. That's not it. I just feel the vibe is off between us ever since."

"Look, that shit is in the past. I thought we were over it? I admit, maybe it was the fact that she was always here for me, that I grew feelings for her. That shit don't matter now, I want you. I mean it."

"Just answer one question for me?"

"What's up?"

"Did you come back to me after she turned you down, just to get her out of your head?"

With that, Chris became silent, giving Nyla the answer she needed.

"Well, that's all I needed to know. I think it's best that you just go." Nyla stood up, walking Chris to the door. She wouldn't play back up for someone who was worried about someone else. She deserved better. As much as she loved Chris, she needed space. Maybe this was what was for the best.

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