chapter fourty-three

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I try not to give my characters last names, cause shit I can barely remember they first names 😭 I'm human.

"Baby wh-what is this?" Layla asked Lucas

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"Baby wh-what is this?" Layla asked Lucas. Searching for cleaning products, she came across a small box under the sink. She wasn't stupid, so she knew the box was holding some kind of jewelry in it.

"I was trying to wait til the perfect timing, but shit, your nosy ass done went snooping." Lucas smiled.

Watching him drop down on one need made her heart speed up. This was not happening.

"Omg." She put her hand over her heart as he opened the box, revealing a beautiful ring. "Lucas, are you?"

"Baby, hush. You ruining my train of thought, I got this." He laughed as he tried to gather the right words.

"Layla, from the day we ran into each other at the grocery store, I knew you was the one. There was something about the way you walked, the look in your eye, and that sweet voice." He took a pause. "I had to have you. I knew you weren't well on your feet, so I wanted to help you walk. I want to continue to be the one putting a smile on your face. I want to help you be better in life. See you grow from the amazing young lady you are now, into a successful woman. You complete me Ma. I know this shit is happening fast, but I can't picture myself without you. Give me the chance to give you everything you been searching for and more." He wrapped up his speech, looking up to see Layla's face covered in tears. "Marry a nigga."

"Lucas! Yes! Yes." She squealed as he slipped the ring onto her finger.

She jumped into his arms, never wanting to let go. She was going to be his wife one day, and she couldn't be happier. This was like a dream to her. It was already a shocker that he fathered her son, but being engaged was a whole different feeling.

Walking into their son's room, Lucas picked him up, causing him to immediately wake up from his nap. "Daddy did it Leo. I'm marrying your momma." He carefully lifted him higher, and began spinning him around.

Letting out the cutest little giggle, Leonardo's laugh made this moment even sweeter for Lucas.


"I can't believe it." Layla kept smiling as she lifted her hand to the light for the hundredth time today. She was engaged, and she was overwhelmed. Lucas was really indescribably good to her.

"You gone mess around and blind yourself." Lucas walked into the room and chuckled at how Layla was acting, but if she's proposed to him, he'd be acting the same way.

"What'd I do to deserve all this?" She asked him while climbing on top of him.

"You really came into my life, and turned that shit around. Made me want to be better for you. And let's not forget, you got some bomb pussy." He said grabbing onto her ass.

"You better stop before we be on to baby number two." She laughed before placing kisses on his neck.

"Shit, I don't have a problem with that. We make cute kids."

"Yeah but what's not cute is the nine months carrying them. You wouldn't know the half." She told him.

"True." They looked at each other and smiled. To this day, Layla gave Lucas butterflies. He didn't know what he did to deserve such a beautiful girl. To be marrying her made him feel even more lucky.

He hated to think about what he'd done to Nyla, and wish it would have ended less harsh, but people change, and he was happy he fixed his problems before he met Layla.


Waking up from a nap, Layla watched Lucas while he slept. She admired everything about him, from the curve in his lips, to the long lashes that rested on his eye lids. He was perfect in her eyes.

"Damn, you gone let a nigga sleep without breathing all over him?" He woke up, causing her to laugh.

"How you wake up talking shit?" She asked.

"You all in my personal space, back up." He joked.

"You like when I'm in your space, why you frontin?"

"Damn right, come here." He pulled her into his arms, allowing her to rest her head on his chest before speaking again.

"How you feel about this?" He asked her.

"About what?"

"Us taking it to the next level. You nervous?"

"No. I know I want to be with you. I don't see myself ever leaving you, so why would I be nervous?" She asked.

"Just didn't want to be scaring you away." He looked at her.

"Only thing scaring me away right now, is that breath." She laughed and covered her nose with her shirt.

"Shut yo short ass up. Nigga was tryna be serious." He couldn't hide the smile that crept upon his face.

"I love you baby." She pecked his lips.

"I love you too. Now take yo ass back to sleep."

"Bend me over first." She winked, before sliding under the covers, and showing him what her mouth do. 😂

How It All HappenedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ