chapter nineteen

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( Lucas soo fine y'all, but he's no Chris 🤪🍫 )

( Lucas soo fine y'all, but he's no Chris 🤪🍫 )

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I was no longer speaking to Nyla. I wasn't going to kiss her ass to make up for the shit I had done in the past. I was a good looking nigga, so I was sure I could find me another bitch.

Walking in the grocery store, I started shopping for the items I needed to make dinner for tonight.

"Oh my gosh I'm sorry." A female voice apologized for accidentally bumping into me and knocking my sour cream out my hand.

"You good Ma." I looked at her taking in her appearance. She was beautiful.

She looked at me before walking off to finish shopping

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She looked at me before walking off to finish shopping. I wanted to see what she was about, after all, I had never seen someone look so good with such little effort, rocking just a pullover and joggers.

While in the line, I looked up to see her having problems paying for her stuff. I'm assuming she had enough to pay for part of it, and had to put some shit back.

"Let me get up there?" I asked the man who was between me and her in the line. He moved to the side, allowing me to get to the front of the line.

"Hey! You left something." I screamed getting her attention.

"But I had to put the stuff back." She put her head down, as if she was embarrassed.

"I bought it for you, no worries." I handed her a bag with the items she couldn't afford.

"You don't even know me, you didn't have to do that." She took the bag.

"But I wanted to."

"Thank you, so much." She headed to her car.

"Before you go, take this." I slid her the cash back I had gotten for her. I felt bad seeing her have to put her shit back, so I got $40 back, and decided it needed to be in her pocket.

"I can't take this." She handed it back.

"But you will." I assured her.

"Thank you, really that was sweet." She gave me a hug, I knew my gesture touched her. I had to do something, she had my interest just after bumping into me.

"You can pay me back letting me get your number." I flirted.

"I don't even know your name Mr." She smiled.

"Lucas." I stuck my hand out for her to shake.

"Layla." She begin to grab for her phone, handing it to me.

I put my number in, and let her go about her business.

It then hit me that she didn't give me her number, meaning she would call me when she was ready. I honestly was willing to wait though. I wanted to know her story. What was it that had her struggling already?



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Other than my nosy mother, my dad and Chris, I never had anybody do something nice for me. So when the gentleman at the store had paid for my stuff AND given me cash on the side, I was shocked. It warmed my heart that there was some good people still out there.

I couldn't lie to myself, and say that he didn't catch my eye. He was gorgeous. When I took his number, I didn't want to call right away to look desperate, so I made up my mind to keep it until I was ready to put it to use.

I spent the money I had saved up, on getting my apartment and furniture, which is why I could only pay for half my things today.

( her apartment, sus got good taste

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( her apartment, sus got good taste. 😍 )

I needed to find a new job, since I was in a new city. I didn't want or need people to feel sorry for me. We all struggle once we started a new life. And I didn't want to be the girl who was dependent on their parents all their lives. I wanted my own.

There was a knock on the door, interrupting my thoughts. I wasn't expecting anyone, so I didn't know who was at the door.

"Chris?" I swung the door open, surprised he came by. I'd given him my address the other day, but didn't know he'd be stopping by.

"Sorry I'm unannounced, but I just need somebody to talk to." He sighed.

"What's wrong? You look down." I was genuinely concerned, but I knew nothing could be bothering him besides Nyla.

"Nice place, forreal. But I just need some advice." He said walking to sit on the couch.

I took a seat beside him. "Talk to me."

"I don't know what to do about her anymore. As you know it caught me off guard when she turned me down, and I saw her hugging her ex. She called last night, but do you really think it's time to fix things? What if the same thing happens again?"

"Sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith Chris. Nobody's perfect, and being a woman, she probably felt the need to get that closure from her ex that she needed to move on. Also, could have wanted to see if he had actually changed. I don't know which it was, but you're a good guy, so I'm sure she'll come around. Just don't hold what she did over her head for too long. I'm sure you've been confused before in your life." I told him.

"You right. Maybe I should go over to her place." He got up and headed towards the door, and I couldn't help the little jealousy that I felt inside. I knew now, he probably had no clue how I felt about him, but I wasn't going to express it.

"Hope it all goes well." I spoke before giving him a hug. We broke apart from the hug and I looked into his eyes.

"Thanks for always being here Layla, I mean it." He said before walking out the door.

I closed the door and put my back against it letting out a sigh. I realized that this something I wanted to happen would never. I got out my phone and did what I thought I wouldn't.

"Hello, Lucas?"

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