chapter 13 ( trouble in paradise )

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"Will you be my girl?" I stood there in silence, as the perfect man in front of me asked me what I knew was soon to come.

I didn't want to rush things, due to me needing to get myself together and I didn't know what to say, because after all, Chris was everything I wanted.

"I need some time to think." I told him.

"Think about what? Everything has been perfect. I thought we was on the same page." He stated, clearly hurt by my way of answering.

"We are, but there's some things I just haven't let go."

"Things like what? Lucas?" He asked.

The sound of his name brung chills down my body. I guess the night I ran into Lucas, Chris pieced the puzzle together, and figured I was tripping over my ex.

"It's more to it than you know." I put my head down, feeling crazy for letting Lucas block me from a good thing, but there was no need in starting something new when I had old baggage weighing me down.

"Why don't you let me in on it then." He said staring into my eyes.

I didn't know if I was ready to tell him, but something told me on the inside, that Chris could be trusted.

"Lucas, well um.." I felt a lump in my throat as I began to open up.

"Come on, you can talk to me about anything." I could tell he was being sincere, so I spoke again.

"Lucas, started off as a good guy. He seemed like everything I wanted at the time. He spent time with me, introduced me to his family, and made me feel important."

"Until one night, things changed... He came home drunk. I had never seen him like this before." I put my head down, afraid to finish the rest of my story.

"It's okay." Chris rubbed my back, making me relax a little.

"I ended my night crying, because I had just been raped and found out he had been having an affair with my sister." At this point I was uncontrollably crying. I hadn't told anybody about the incident, and here I was, finally opening up to the man I was falling for.

"I'm not him." He said holding me. The way he held me assured me he wasn't here to hurt me. That he wanted to be there for me, but for some reason, I still wasn't ready.

"Can we.... just go home?" I asked wiping my tears.

I knew it was wrong of me, to turn him down, after this perfect night, but I wasn't over my past. I didn't want to lose Chris, but I needed time.

"I'm not him." He repeated walking towards his car, looking at his feet.

The whole ride back to my place was quiet. This time, the silence wasn't a good thing. I knew his feelings were hurt, and I was confused. I didn't understand why I was letting Lucas stand in my way of happiness.

"I'm here when you're ready Nyla." Chris kissed me on the cheek, before I got out.

I looked back at him, before finally going inside..

I hope I hadn't messed this up.


* 2 weeks later *


Weeks went by like days, and days wen't by like minutes. I hadn't heard from Nyla since the night she opened up to me about what had been bothering her.

I knew she needed space and time to figure things out, but she didn't have to push me away. I want to be there for her.

I scrolled through my pictures, looking at photos from us, from the day we went to the amusement parks, through the night at the beach.

I missed her smile, I missed her laugh, I missed her...

I wanted to call her, but I also didn't want to seem desperate.

It's been 2 weeks, and I hadn't received even a text from her.

I decided to call my dad.

"Hello." He answered on the second ring.
"Wassup dad?"
"Nothing son, trying to clean up this garage today. Before your mom passed, she left a bunch of things she wanted to get rid of." Hearing about my mom always made me want to break down, but I knew I had to be strong, not only for myself, but for my dad. I knew it wasn't easy to lose the woman you were in love with.
"How you holding up?" I asked already knowing how he was feeling.
"It just takes a day at a time." He said before the phone went silent.
"Yes son?"
"How do I deal with my girl telling me she needs space to deal with things?" I questioned leaving out little details.
"Well, that could either mean she's trying to better herself for you, or she's trying to move on without you."
"But everything was going well, until they weren't." I said.
"Well son, if it's meant to be, everything will fall into place, give her space, and if she comes back around, she never left."
"Thanks Dad, hopefully you'll get to meet her one day." I smiled thinking about the thought of my dad meeting Nyla. She was special, and her meeting the man I looked up to, was very important to me.
"Son, I gotta go. I love you and remember what I said."
"Okay, love you too." I hung up and got out of the bed, ready to get my day started.

She'll come around. I said to myself before hopping into the shower.

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