chapter 12

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I had finally gone back home, after a weekend at Chris's place. He is amazing. Who knew you could have so much fun being cooped up in a house watching movies?

I could feel the chemistry building up between us, but a part of me was still afraid. Him and Lucas were total opposites, but deep down, I felt as though all men were the same.

I walked into the house, and went straight for Milah's room.

"Bout time one of you whores came home." She joked rolling her eyes.

"Sorry sisss. At least you got some alone time." I said pinching her big toe.

"Don't touch my feet, but give me the deets." She laughed.

"Girllllllll..... Chris is everything. He's sweet, he's kind, and he makes me feel special." I blushed talking about him.

"Are you going to make it official with him?" She questioned.

"I don't know." I put my head down playing with my fingernails.

"What's not to know? You like him right?"

"Yeah but, I have to deal with some things first."

"Well, anyways... I was at the mall the other day and got this." She handed me a piece of paper with a number on it.

"Aww shit, my girl coppin' digits?" I laughed, happy to see she was finally moving on from Shawn.

"No ma'am, these are for you." She said making me confused.


"I ran into an old friend of yours."

"What's the name?" I asked, unaware of who she could have possibly ran into.

"I honestly forgot, I got this the other day. But you should call, he was cayuuute." She squealed.



After spending the weekend with Nyla, she's got me ready to cuff her. She's everything I look for. She's beautiful, smart, and knows how to make me laugh. I don't know how well she cooks macaroni yet, but I can put that on hold for right now for her.

I wanted to do something special for her, because this time we've had so far together was amazing. When she left my house this morning, I took a shower, got dressed and headed to the mall.

I wasn't going to get something too nice, because I didn't wanna scare her away. Just something to show her that I like having her around.

As I walked through the stores, I was receiving all types of looks from girls. I wasn't worried about none of them though. I wanted Nyla.

I found what I was looking for, purchased it, and headed out the mall.

Once I left the mall, I went to a flower shop, and got her a couple roses.

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