chapter nine

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"Baby, baby." I said placing a cold towel on Nyla's forehead. She freaked me out passing out nearly ten minutes ago.

We were talking and then all of a sudden, she fell, while quietly saying "Lucas, Lucas." I didn't know who that was, or what this was about, but I was nervous and didn't know what I was actually signing up for. After two more minutes of her not saying anything, I did the only thing that came to mind, and splashed a bowl of cold water on her face.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" She screamed out.

Thank God I thought to myself, as I handed her a dry towel to wipe herself down.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Who's Lucas?" I asked.



"Who's Lucas?" He asked with a look on his face that I couldn't quite read.

I wasn't ready to open up to him about this chapter in my life, so I was hoping to find a way out of the question, but then again, how the hell did he know about my ex?

"Why are you asking?" I felt the need to be defensive at this point, because I was just getting to know Chris, and I didn't want my skeletons to interfere with the bond that we've been creating.

"You said the name a couple of times before you fainted."

That's when I remembered having the flashback about what happened that night, and any time I think about it, I have a panic attack, but I assume this time, I fainted.

I wish things like this didn't happen, and that Lucas didn't have this much control over me, but I guess I have to find a way to fully get it out of my system.

"Let's not talk about that." I said getting up walking towards the door.

"But where are you going?" He asked me, grabbing my arm turning me back around.

"I just think it's best that I leave."



I hadn't seen Nyla or heard from her since the night I took advantage of her

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I hadn't seen Nyla or heard from her since the night I took advantage of her. I wasn't myself that night and I don't blame her for wanting nothing to do with me. I had broken her heart, her trust and probably her self esteem.

Sleeping with her sister was one thing, but me being a man, I shouldn't have raped her. Like I said though, I wasn't myself.

I was dealing with a lot of things on the inside that I was too scared to talk to anybody about.

I ruined a good thing. After all, Nyla was the only female who held me down through what ever. At one point, she was all I had.

After loosing both my parents in a car accident, I didn't know how to deal with my emotions. Her I was living the perfect life, then everything went down in a spiral.

I started drinking, but that night was the most I had ever drank.

I needed to talk to her, and now was the perfect timing. I heard from a friend that Nyla was now attending FAMU, which was perfect, since I already lived in Tally. College wasn't for me, so I just found myself my own place, and moved here.

I know I did enough damage, but after seeing a therapist, and getting my life together, I think now was a good time to have a sit down with her. I cut all ties with her sister, so that wasn't going to be a problem. How do I apologize for the other half of my mistakes?

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