chapter twenty-nine

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Nyla, Chris & Naomi

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Nyla, Chris & Naomi.

Laying next to Chris, Nyla thought about the way things happened with her sister. She never expected that after forgiving her, she'd turn around to do the exact same thing over again. She was happy to know that Chris didn't fall for the bait, but disappointed that her sister had crossed her again.

"What's on your mind baby?" Chris rubbed her back, noticing her sudden change of mood. She had gone from talking to him and being playful, to all of a sudden being silent and looking off into space.

"I can't believe Naomi would try to come on to you, knowing that you were mine." She said. Chris knew how upset she had to be. He'd be upset if anybody tried to come on to Nyla, but for someone so close to you to do it, is a whole nother level.

"I know baby, but you gotta let it go. She knew what she was doing and it's obvious she didn't take your feelings into consideration. You forgave her once, how many more times will she have to betray you for you to understand that maybe you should let her go. Family or not." He spoke.

"You're right." Nyla put her head down.

She grew silent again, until her phone started vibrating on the night stand.

"Hello?" She answered, not recognizing the number.

"We have a Naomi Miller trying to reach you from room 208 in Memorial hospital." The operator spoke into the phone, making Naomi immediately sit up.

Hanging up the phone, Nyla placed on a pair of jeans and her tennis shoes.

"What's wrong?" Chris asked seeing how fast she was moving.

"She's in the hospital." She answered as tears came from her eyes.


Arriving at the hospital, Nyla sighed as her heart raced 100 miles per minute. Of course she was still mad at her sister, but that didn't mean she wished for bad things to happen to her. She wondered what she was even here for.

Walking towards Naomi's hospital room, Nyla prepared herself for whatever she was getting ready to see.

"You actually came." Naomi mumbled peeking up from her covers.

"What happened to you?" She questioned, seeing her sister covered in bandages with bruises and cuts covering her arms.

"I got into a car wreck the night you made me leave your house."

"I guess Karma's a bitch." She said, getting mad all over again.

"Look, I'm sorry." She said putting her head down, ashamed of her actions.

"Why'd you even do it?"

"I was jealous of you okay." She admitted.

"Ever since we were little, you've always been better than me. You had the looks, the brains, and you were amazing at everything you did. We tried out for cheerleading together, you made the team, I didn't. You always had the better looking boyfriends. You were always happy." She continued, spilling out all the envy she had building up inside of her.

"And when I saw how you had yet another good looking guy, and I was being treated like shit in my relationship, again I wanted what you had."

Nyla shook her head. All of this because of jealousy?

"And the night you kicked me out after what I did, I was angry. I was turned down, yet again." She referred to the way Chris wouldn't go there with her.

"So I sped down the highway, not bothering to think about whoever else was on the road besides me."

"You're sick. You need help." Nyla said walking towards the door, not wanting to hear anymore of what her sister had to say. She was tired of her foolishness and wanted nothing else to do with her.

"Wait." Naomi screamed out, but Nyla was already making her way down the hallway.


Crying in Chris's arms, Nyla's mind wouldn't let her escape the way she was feeling about her sister. She didn't look at her the same anymore. To feel so jealous to the point where she could have ended her life, was ridiculous. Nyla was done making excuses for her to still be in her life, she was done.

Holding her tighter, Chris allowed her to cry everything out. He wanted to be there for her. He wanted to see her happy again.

"It's gone be okay." He said placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Is it really?" Nyla snapped, taking her frustration out on him.

"Calm down, I know you're upset, but don't get worked up." He rubbed her shoulders, helping her to relax.

"If you need some space, let me know." He assured her.

"No, I need you." She wiped her final tears, hugging him as tight as her arms would let her.

"Well I'm here for you as long as you'll let me be." He looked into her brown eyes. She was everything he wanted. And though it seemed like she needed him the most right now, he needed her too. She filled a spot he had been missing since his mom had died. That's what made her so special.

"I love you." He finally admitted, lifting her face by her chin and kissing her.

All negative thoughts she was having, immediately faded away. All that mattered to her, was this moment they were having right now. He was for her, and she was for him. She wished this moment could last forever.

Breaking apart from the kiss, she looked at him, no longer with pain filled eyes. "I love you too."

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