chapter four

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*3:07 lastnight*

I was headed to the bathroom just to pee before I finally let my head hit my pillow. I didn't know if it was the liquor, but I was confused by the sight in front of me. From my understanding, Shawn was Milah's boyfriend for a while, so why was he at the door touching Jazz?

I decided not to make myself known, so I finished what I originally came out of my room for, then quietly walked back to my room.

Although I just met both girls upon arrival to campus, I felt that since we'd be spending a college journey together, I owed them both loyalty. Seeing Jazz interact with Milah's boyfriend like that though, changed my opinion on her just a little.

I didn't know wether it was best to say something, or just stay out of it. I got out of the bed, and headed towards Jazz room, since Milah was already sleep.

I knocked on the door, not wanting to invade her privacy, but with the conversation we were about to have, did privacy even really matter?



There was a knock on my bedroom door, so I got up to open it and it was Nyla. Nyla was cool so far, so I figured she just couldn't sleep and wanted to have girl talk or something, so I let her in.

"Wasssupp girl." I said with a smile.

"Nothing just came to talk." She said without looking at me.

"You good?" I questioned, not really knowing what she had going on.

"Look, I saw.." She said lowly.

"Saw what?" I questioned. Hopefully she didn't see how I in fact was dancing for Shawn the whole time in the club.

She hit me with something that was even worse than the dancing in the club.

"I saw him grabbing your butt on his way out the door." She admitted.

"Fuck" I thought to myself.

"Milah's your best friend, how could you do that?" She questioned me.

"Look, he came on to me. I can't help it if he's good looking and I got caught up in the moment." I responded, starting to feel a bit guilty.

*ding* My phone sounded letting me know I had a text.

"Hopefully that's not him texting you now." She said, getting up to head back to her room.

"Please don't tell Milah." I pleaded.

"As a friend, I feel obligated, but I'll give you the opportunity to come clean first, if you don't, then that's where I may step in." She said before walking out and closing my door.

I texted Shawn back, but after him not responding for a while, I decided it was best for me to just go to sleep, because I wasn't any longer happy with how the night was going.

*Next Morning*

I woke up, hoping the conversation with Nyla was just a dream. I got out the bed, stretched, and headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth, before going in the kitchen to have some cereal.

Upon arrival to the kitchen, Nyla walked out of her room, shook her head at me, then walked in the bathroom. The head shake assured me I wasn't dreaming.

"What was that about?" Milah asked, causing me to instantly get nervous, because I definitely didn't see her come out of her room.

"Oh girl, she just mad that I sorta started dancing with someone last night and left her alone." I lied before putting on a fake smile.

How It All HappenedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin