Light Insight II

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The ocelots were exhausted. They had chased the Light so deep into the swamp that you could no longer see the rain forest, even if they stood on a tree, which, being ocelots, was not a problem. She had stopped running when she had reached the end of the swamp which turned into an ocean biome. Then she took a seat underneath an oak tree overlooking the shore. The ocelots slowly walked over and laid down. It began to rain shortly after.

 "That...was exhausting." One mewed, panting.

"You said it, Jasper." A second purred. The three sat there in silence, the soft patter of the rain only adding to the dull situation.

"What are we going to do now guys?" The third asked. 

"I don't know Opal." Jasper meowed. Opal got up and walked over to the Light, sitting in front of her, her eyes were glassy, staring sadly at the horizon. 

"What about you Baryl?" Opal asked, waving a paw in front of her face, "Any bright ideas?"

"The only thing I can think of is that we need Alpha or someone with magic experience that can break the curse or whatever, but that would involve us leaving her here," Baryl replied, looking at the Vessel, "and we cant do that if she's in this state."

"You wouldn't be leaving her alone." A small voice said, to which the three felines jumped up in surprise. 

"Show yourself!" Jasper growled.

"Okay, but don't hurt me, I am a friend." Replied the small voice. There was a disturbance in the water, and a slime hopped out of it, a fish sitting harmlessly on its head. The ocelots lowered their guard, but stared on in confusion.

"So...which one of you is talking?" Opal asked. Then the slime jumped up and did a front flip, causing the fish to be launched up into the air, and landed back on the slimes head.

"I, Flip the Elite slime, am speaking." The small voice replied. "Fish and slimes can only speak in Morse code, so I translate. This is the Fish Elite on my head, his name is Swift."

"Oh...okay." Opal replied, pawing the ground in awkwardness.

"Wait, if you are Elites, don't you know how to perform magic?" Baryl asked.

"Not very much, I am a master of shape shifting magic, and Swift is a master of water magic, but we don't have much knowledge of spells." Flip replied, staring sadly at the Vessel. "But Swift says that you could go get help, and we will guard her."

"No offence, but even with you both being Elites," Baryl reasoned, "you'll be outnumbered by the squids, and I don't want you to be underhanded." Flip started making a slapping noise which must have been in Morse code because in response all the water around them was disturbed and thousands of slimes and fish rose from the water.

"We will cover for you, please go." Flip said. "Swift says that the Vessel wont win the war in this condition, and that you may be well on your trek." Suddenly all the mobs all stopped, it was suddenly quiet...too quiet. Then a squid launched itself out of the water, right at the Light Vessel. The slimes jumped into action, quickly forming a jello like, yet, impenetrable dome. More squids emerged out of the water.

"You must go!" The slime now yelled, "quickly!" The three felines nodded and took off as fast as their paws would take them, ignoring the rain altogether. They ran awhile before they heard the water being disturbed around them as they jumped from lily pad to lily pad. Squids began to jet out of the water and reach for the three with their tentacles. As the ocelots were evading the squids, a swarm of bats flew out from underneath the leaves of a swamp tree, sneak attacking Opal, causing her to yowl in surprise. 

"Opal!" Jasper meowed, coming to a stop to turn around and help only to be quickly seized by the squids. Baryl continued to run, despite his whole being to go back and help. He knew he wasn't as strong as Jasper or Opal and if he was captured news would never get to Alpha. He was however, the fastest of the three. He put it on double speed to get to the jungle, to Alpha and the other ocelots that would aid him, but he came to an island where all the lily pads around it were destroyed. He turned to go back to find the squids blocking his path. Two of them holding Jasper and Opal, who were unconscious, entangled in their tentacles. He was completely surrounded. His eyes watered as he folded his ears back and sat down in defeat, wrapping his tail around himself and bowing his head, the rain hiding his tears. A squid walked up behind him and hit him violently with a tentacle on the back of his neck, knocking him unconscious. The squids then handed the ocelots off to the bats, who tied them up and flew them around the jungle, towards the Darkness Base. Unknown to th ocelots, there was an unexpected ally watching them from the waters.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2014 ⏰

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