Seto: Clarification

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"But what's the Darkness?" Ant asked. "That's the second time it's been mentioned."

"Maybe it's about time we found out," Ghost said, "I was talking to two dudes wearing slime hoodies and they had heard of a 'darkness' as well. They said a so called 'Shooting' said they'd gotten a note from a skeleton or something."

"A skeleton?" I asked, "The first time Starlight talked to me, she mentioned something about a meeting a skeleton also."

"That's weird." Clash said.

"We better figure out what the darkness is." Ghost suggested, walking away to find the book.

"Clash, did you find the spell book?" I asked.

"Yes, here you go." Clash said, handing me the book. I looked in the book's index and turned to the duplication spell.

"It says here that I need...umm..." I trailed off, "I need a complex magic base, and they're very hard to get...except one."

"Which is..." Clash asked.

"If I use an absorption spell, I can collect energy from laughter."

"That's it?" Clash asked.

"Yes." I replied.

"Darn, where is Bodil when you need him?"

"I was hoping you could help me with that, you say something funny, while I perform the spell."

"Okay, when?" Clash asked.

"After we get all the books we need, so we only need to do it once." I replied.

"Okay, I think I found the right book." Ghost said, carrying a large book bound by black leather. He opened it, reading the first page.

"It says that the Darkness is an alliance of all dark colored mobs: enderman, spiders, bats, wither skeletons, the wither, and magma cubes, certain cats and horses, cows, squids, all lead by the enderdragon. I guess that black thing was an enderman." Ghost stated.

"So I guess it's safe to assume that any dark colored mob is hostile." Ant said.

"It also says that these mobs are smarter than the average mob, and that some are gifted with magic powers." Ghost read.

"But what are Elites?" Clash asked. Ghost just stared at Clash and continued,

"On the next line it says: These mobs are called Elites."

"Oh, heh heh, sorry." Clash said.

"Elites are the only mobs that have the power to contain the Light's Vessel, containing it in a dark relic called the Dark Sphere."

"That's what the Elite enderman must have done to Starlight!" Ant said, flipping through the white leather bound book. "There is a relic here as well, but it's called The Light Sphere. The Light Sphere is created when the Light defeats the enderdragon, trapping him and his power."

"So Starlight needs to defeat....the enderdragon?!" Clash yelled.

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