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When Ezwazwaz, Dave and I had found enough roses we met Ant and CaptainSparklez where I had trained with Mitch and Jerome.

"14, 15, 16! Okay, we have enough." Ant said, "Now all we need is a complex magic base from Starlight."

"What is that?" Ez asked.

"It's basically some energy obtained by a strong emotion, particularly laughter." Jordan replied.

"So you just laugh?" He asked me.

"Well, I'm not like Bodil who laughs at everything, in fact, I have a very poor sense of humor." I replied.

"Umm...so how do we do it then?" Ez asked. Silence came across us, thinking about how we were going to do it.

"Who do you think are the funniest YouTubers?" Ant asked.

"Umm...I think everyone is awesome in their own way, but I think the funniest are probably Mr360Games, SkyDoesMinecraft and Bodil40...why?"


The next thing I knew, I was sitting in a chair in the main room of the YouTubers' hidden house, Sky, Double and Bodil standing in front of me, Dave and Ez standing off to the side next to Ant and Jordan.

"You're not going to say a word about this to anybody, got it?" Jordan asked. Ez responded by pretending to zip his lips, lock them and throw away the key, and Dave simply nodded his head. "Good." He replied.

"So, basically you guys need to make her laugh so we can obtain magic energy from it and create a portal to get Seto to and from the village so he can get better." Ant explained. "Any questions?"

"Yes! Why can't you do it Ant?" Sky asked, "Not up for the challenge?"

"Do I look like a comedian to you?" Ant asked.

"Maybe..." Sky said. Then Ant quickly flicked Adam on the bridge of his sunglasses, knocking them off and making him cross-eyed. Bodil and Double immediately started laughing, while I just stared on in confusion.

"Dang it! It didn't work!" Sky said, putting his sunglasses back on.

"She's one tough cookie that's for sure." Double said in a high-pitched voice, making Sky and Bodil chuckle.

"This is weird..." I muttered under my breath. Then Samantha walked in.

"Woah, woah, woah, who are you?" Jordan asked, startled by her sudden appearance. Then Husky stepped in.

"Hey man, it's cool, I showed her here. This chick rooms with Starlight and her sister." Husky explained.

"Umm...okay then. Don't tell anybody where this place is okay?" Jordan asked.

"Duh!" She replied, looking up to see Dave standing with Ant. "Wait...where's Kate?" She asked looking around.

"We're not sure." I said sadly.

"Dave said she suddenly teleported away after trying to help GoldSolice after she found him passed out in the prairie." Ez explained.

"Oh no, that's horrible! And you are...?" She asked.

"Ezwazwaz, but you can just call me Ez." Ez replied.

"He's a friend of mine." I clarified.

"Okay, so what are we going to do?" She asked, her and Husky walking over to the group.

"I don't know, we're trying to get Seto healed and see if he has any ideas." I replied.

"And this is helping?" She asked the guys.

"Well, in order to get Seto to the village to see a doctor, we need magic energy from Starlight's laughter, so these three are trying to make her laugh." Jordan explained.

"Make Star laugh? That's easy!" Samantha said, walking over to me. "Close your eyes."

"Okay, but I don't see how- Ahh! Stap it!" I cried as I burst out laughing, she was tickling me! "Why does this keep happening?!" I cried out between laughs, trying to bat her hands away. I jumped out of the chair and moved away from her, but the tickly feeling continued. "Ant, Jordan please make it stop!"

"We can't! Your energy is moving too fast for us to focus on!" Ant said in frustration. Then I stomped the ground and feeling vanished. I sighed with relief and opened my eyes. Somehow I was in a kind of magic bubble, and my energy was swirling around the outside of it. "Wow." I said as I focused on my own energy and forced it into the flasks. I dis-armed the bubble, and sat back down, panting.

"...wow Star, I didn't know you could do that!" Samantha cried, "That was incredible!"

"No," I replied, "it was exhausting."

"I can't believe she cheated." Double said sarcastically.

"Hey, that's what I was going to do." Bodil said, shrugging.

"You make me sick." He replied.


When we got to the glowstone pond, we set up the first portal, placing the flowers into a four-pointed star shape on the side of a large tree, just big enough for one person to walk through. Then Jordan threw the flask of energy in its center, causing it to flash a bright light and glow with energy.

"Okay, so now we need to set up the portal in the village." Ant said.

"But it's so far, we won't make it before the sun sets if we go now." Samantha said.

"If we had super speed we could make it." Ez suggested.

"I've used super speed before, but then I would have to go alone, and I'm not sure how to do it again." I said.

"There's absolutely no way you're going all that way on your own," Samantha stated, "who knows what the darkness is capable of!"

"What if we all got speed potions?" Husky suggested. "We would probably be able to get there in time."

"Great idea, lets do it. We don't have much time." Ant said, looking to the horizon, the sun setting in the red-orange sky.


We quickly ran back to the YouTubers' base and went straight to the potion room to find Bodil, probably making another one of his crazy concoctions.

"What are you guys in such a rush for?" He asked, placing a corked potion flask on a shelf, its contents glowing yellow.

"We need speed potions to get to the village before sun sets!" Ez said quickly.

"A normal speed potion won't give you enough speed to get there on time," Bodil replied, turning to his shelf. "but his one can!" He said, turning to show us a light blue potion that was flashing rapidly.

"Is that one of your troll potions?" I asked him, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, but this one is Speed VI, it will get there just in time if you hurry." Everyone stared at him suspiciously, not knowing wether or not to trust the troll master. "Fine, I'll use it with you, hurry lets go!" He said running out of the room. We all just looked at each other, shrugged, and ran out of the door after him.

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