Dark Insight II

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In the meadow beyond the rainforest a loud screech is heard, calling the attention of a black sheep. It looked to the skies and watched a ball of light streak into the sky, leaving a trail of light behind it. The light faded, revealing a figure with angel wings gliding gracefully to the ground.

"The light vessel was released from her capsule, and she can do a Star Burst now," the sheep bahhed to herself. "and she can also fly, somewhat." The sheep then gasped and started running towards the river. "If the vessel was released then the squid solder might have been caught." She thought to herself.

She ran up to the river and tapped the waters surface three times with her hoof. Three scout squids emerged at once.

"How is the infiltration plan going?" She asked, all nonspeaking mobs able to understand each other.

"The fish put up quite a fight, but he got through eventually." The first squid blubbed with a smirk.

"Has he returned?" She asked.

"Oddly, no." The second squid blubbed.

"And we haven't heard anything from him either." The third squid added.

"That's not good," The sheep bahhed, "I just saw the light vessel gliding through the sky."

"But I thought she was in..." The squids blubbed.

"The dark sphere, yeah I did too." The sheep replied, her hoof sliding down her face.

"What are we going to do?" The first squid asked.

"We have to let Lord Shadow know and he can make the next notion, I'll tell a cave spider to pass on the news. You guys wait here and I'll return with the new orders." The Sheep bahhed before sprinting off towards a cave entrance.

"Man she sure does have her wool in a twist." The scouts muttered.


"Lord Shadow! I come bearing important news!" A cave spider screeched as it quickly scurried into the dragon's throne room.

"Is it progress about our infiltration of the light temple?" He asked smugly, all mobs able to understand each other.

"I wouldn't say... progress." The spider replied slowly.

"What do you mean?" He asked his smile fading.

"Well, a sheep scout has reported that she saw the vessel of the light." he gently explained.

"What?" Shadow said in shock.

"Yes and there has been no word from the squid solder that was assigned that mission." The dragon slumped back into his throne and put a claw to his face. "The scout also confirmed that the vessel can somewhat fly and perform a Star Burst which is equivalent to your Dusk Dart."

"I can't even do a Dusk Dart!" The dragon groaned.

"But you can fly at an advanced level. According to the sheep scout she wasn't flapping her wings so technically she wasn't actually flying." The cave spider screeched.

"I suppose, but we need to contain her before she learns all her abilities, and we can't do that if she's being protected by the Light Field." The Dragon groaned.

"Why don't you set a trap for her? You could lure her out and hold her in the base." The spider screeched.

"That's a great idea! Go tell those three squid scouts to return to base, I fear that they are waiting for nothing, and tell the sheep scout I want her to report to my lair. You both will be dining with me tonight as a reward for your efforts."

"Thank you my Lord." the cave spider screeched, bowing.

"Hurry, the sun is setting as we speak."

"Yes sir!" The spider screeched, quickly scurrying away. The dragon stood and walked over to an obsidian pedestal with an eye of ender set into it. He tapped it with a claw, making it glow.

"Sear?" He asked.

"Yes Shadow?" Sear replied, the ender eye pulsing with his words.

"I need a trap set, with live bait." The dragon said.


"In the prairie just beyond the light field."

"I like the way you're thinking. Specify the bait."

"Fresh prisoner." Shadow finished with a smirk.

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