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When we had finally gotten Seto to the village, we were extremely disappointed to learn that the clinic wasn't open at night, like most shops. However, Don said that he might be able to get the Doctor's Assistant, which was far better than nothing, so we agreed. We sat down and waited outside the clinic, Seto still passed out on a blanket. I watched the light particles float around me as I waited.

"Wait...Shooting?" Hearing my nickname I looked up to see a girl with blonde hair wearing a light blue shirt with a rainbow on it, a flower in her hair, wearing white pants and light blue shoes, my friend Cnd13.

"Oh my gosh!" I cried jumping up, "What are you doing here?"

"I spawned right outside of the village when the I was sucked into the game and the villagers let me live here as long as I helped out, so I hp out by finding rare ingredients that aren't found in the village for potions and medicines, but I tend to patients when the Doctor isn't around." She explained. "Who are all these people?"

"Well, this is Jordan, Ant, Bodil, Husky, Dave, Ez and Samantha." I said, pointing to each of them.

"Wait, like Bodil40, AntVenom, HuskyMudkippz and CaptainSparkles?" She asked.

"Well...ya." Husky answered.

"How'd you manage to get mixed up in all this, Shooting?" She asked.

"Wait...Shooting?" Ant asked in shock.

"'s my nickname." I replied. Ant closed his eyes in thought, a memory coming to his mind.


"I was talking to two dudes wearing slime hoodies and they had heard of a 'darkness' as well." Ghost said. "They also said a so called 'Shooting' had gotten a note from a skeleton or something."

"A skeleton?" Seto asked, "The first time Starlight talked to me, she mentioned something about a meeting a skeleton also."

"That's weird." Clash said.


"Is something wrong?" I asked.

"It's nothing, just made a huge realization." Ant said, face palming. Everyone stared at him in confusion.

"Umm...okay then. So...which one of you is sick? You all look fine." She asked looking around. Then Jordan and Husky moved out of the way, revealing Seto, breathing irregularly. "Oh no!" She cried, putting a hand to his forehead, quickly pulling her hand away. "He's on fire, quick! Get him inside!" She cried, unlocking the Clinic. Ant, Jordan, Husky, Bodil and Ez lifted Seto and placed him on a bed. C ran to a chest and pulled an ice pack and put it on his head. "Do you guys happen to know what's ailing him?" C asked.

"We believe he has Pow-Down Fever due to the fact that he passed out right after performing an advanced levitation spell." Jordan explained. She ran over to a bookshelf picked one, opened it and rapidly flipped through its pages. When she got to the end of the book she turned back to the front and opened it to the first page.

"There's nothing in here about a 'Pow-Down Fever', but there is something we could use to help bring his fever down." She said, looking through another chest and pulling out an ice-blue flower. She walked over to where Seto was and waved it under his nose, causing his irregular breathing to subside. She felt his forehead again. "Still warm, but not as bad as before." She said.

"So can you fix him?" Jordan asked.

"Unfortunately not. There's nothing in the doctor's books about a disease called Pow-Down fever." Cnd sighed.

"Well now what are we going to do?" Bodil asked.

"Maybe Agatha knows how to heal him," C said, "you did say he contracted it performing magic right?"

"Yes, but...who's Agatha?" Jordan asked.


A few minutes later we had followed Cnd to the far corner of the village, down a stone staircase and into a room completely made of stone. It had a red rug and oak wood shelfs displaying glowing potions and enchanted books and and weapons. In the center of the room was a large caldron with bubbling purple liquid.

"Agatha is a witch?" Ez asked with a shiver.

"Yes, but she's also an Enchantress, as you can see from the displayed books and weapons." Cnd explaned. "Agatha? Are you here?" Suddenly the caldron flashed a bright purple light and who must be Agatha was standing before it. She had long black hair that draped down her back and she wore a dark blue robe with golden lace and a golden ribbon tying her hair back. Her appearance was more pleasing that I had originally thought.

"Hello, welcome to my Magic Shop, how may..." She started. "Oh, happy days! Cnd, long time no see! Did you find the lilac?"

"No, not yet." Cnd replied.

"Don't worry, you'll find it eventually." She replied. "Who are your friends?"

"Well, I just met them, their friend has Pow-Down Fever, and I was wondering if you know how to heal him." Cnd explained.

"You bet!" Agatha replied walking over to Seto, who was starting to breathe irregularly again. "Bring him over here." She said, clearing off a counter top. We all watched as she walked over to a chest and started rummaging through it. She eventually pulled out a jar with a glowing green cream in it, taking off the lid.

"Magic won't work, he has a magic field spell cast on himself." Jordan warned.

"Don't worry honey, this is a cream made from an extremely rare glowing mushroom." She replied, walking over to Seto. She dipped her finger in the substance and traced a heart on his forehead and one on each cheek.

"May my heart and healing revive you." She whispered into Seto's ear. Jordan and Ant blushed bright red and looked down at each other awkwardly.

"So that's why Seto never wanted to show us." Jordan whispered.

"Yeah." Ant replied. Then Seto started to glow bright green, the markings absorbing into his skin. Then he opened his eyes, the light subsiding.

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