Cheryls POV

Toni leaves.
"Mom were making pancakes, want any?"
Kait comes downstairs and helps the girls.
When they finish we all sit at the table.
"Mom, do you miss Toni?" Kait asks
"Honey, shes only been gone for an hour," I laugh
"What do you mean? Toni left for Canada a few weeks ago,"
"Kait are you feeling ok?" I say feeling her forehead, she doesn't have a fever
"Is it my memory again?" She says frustrated
"Ya its ok Kait,"
I look at her eyes to make sure they're equal.
"Kid look at your sisters," I say
"Which one is which?"
"Uh, thats Alex,"
"Right and whats the others name?"
I rub her back.
"Was that wrong?"
"Kait its Madi," Alex says
"Right ok,"
"Go get changed maybe we can go see mommy at the hospital. I don't know, you've been getting better lately so I don't want to take any chances,"
She goes and gets dressed, the twins were already dressed so we keep talking.
"Who is Tayleigh?" Madi asks "One of her friends?"
"No, her twin sister was named Tayleigh,"
"She disappeared one night when Kait was living in Montreal, back then her name was Taylor, her sister disappeared and hasn't been seen since,"
"She had a twin too?" Alex asks
"Yup, and so did I,"
"Why have we never met him?" Madi says excitedly
"He was died in high school," I say blandly
"Oh sorry, What was his name?"
"Its fine, his name was Jason,"
"Do you have any pictures?"
I nod and go grab a photo album.

"Thats a good picture," Alex says studying the photograph"Ya, he always looked good in Photographs," I say tracing his face with my finger

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"Thats a good picture," Alex says studying the photograph
"Ya, he always looked good in Photographs," I say tracing his face with my finger.
I pick up another album, Toni and I's wedding album.
"You both looked so good!" Madi says looking at the picture
We look through all the pictures and Kait comes back downstairs
"Hey thats Uncle Jason," She says
"Thats right Kait,"
"Sorry about the water, is he getting better?"
"Kait... that was Toni and she is fine,"
"Are you sure?"
"100% kid,"
"Ok..." SHe says "I left my shoes upstairs I'll go get them,"
She turns and runs up the stairs
"Why were your shoes.. never mind," I shake my head and laugh
"Has it been this bad since the accident?" Alex asks
"Well I'm not sure shes only seen us three today, usually when she has a bad memory day she yells at Jug and Betty about murdering me," I laugh "Or is convinced I'm dead and I'm just someone Toni is dating and I look exactly like Cheryl,"
They laugh
Kait comes downstairs.
"Ready to go buddy?"
"The hospital remember?"
We get to the car and buckle up. We get to the hospital.
"Hey Cheryl," The nurse says
"Hey Tyana, can you page Doctor Pralice please? Kait's having a weird day and I want to make sure its nothing bad."
"Sure thing,"
"And where's Toni, she was getting checked out there was an accident this morning,"
"Shes in surgery right now but her brothers are in the usual waiting room,"
"How long should the surgery take? And recovery?"
"Its going well maybe an hour or two more, the doctor said she'll go home today,"
"Ok thanks"
We make our way to the. Waiting room to see the boys because Dr. Pralice was busy,"
"Green Bean!" Kait says hugging Sweetpea
"Sweetpea," I remind her
"Cheryl! Why are you hear?" Fangs says nervously
"Kait is having a really bad day and I'd rather be safe than sorry,"
They all chuckle nervously
"Ok whats going on? And oh ya why is Toni in surgery and no one told me?"
"Her arm, was... bad" Jughead stutters
"Uh hu I bet," I say suspiciously
"Mrs. Topaz Blossom, Dr. Pralice is ready,"
We follow the nurse.
"Cheryl so nice to see you again," Dr. Pralice says hugging me
"You too,"
"So what seems to be the problem,"
"Well Kait's been doing really well for like a month and she woke up today and couldn't remember anything and shes making up stories that don't make sense." I explain "and then I looked at her eyes and her right is slower than her left,"
"Oh you were right to come in, let me take her to MRI, you can go wait in the waiting room,"
"Perfect thanks,"
Madi and Alex follow me back to the waiting room.
"Where's KT?" Sweetpea asks
"MRI, making sure everything is ok,"
"I was Toni Topaz-Blossom's surgeon," I hear someone say from behind me
"I'm her wife, how is she?"
"Great, it remarkable with the nature of the accident that she is fine, we took out the bullets and blade with no complications, when she comes out of anesthesia she can go home as long as she can walk straight,"
"Wait, back up wrong person my wife came in with a broken arm and nose,"
"Thanks doctor," Fangs waves telling him to leave with his eyes
"Shit, Tiny gunna murder us," Jughead says
"Anyone want to tell me anything?" I ask crossing my arms "Actually hold that thought,"
I turn to Madi and Alex who hasn't heard this cuz their listening to music
"Girls here's 20 dollars go get food,"
They leave and I turn back to the boys.
"Well, we were on our way to the hospital and we were stopped by a police officer, or not a police officer were not sure and then the ghoulies show up and point a gun at Jughead. Toni took a bullet for jug, then turned took a bullet for me and then a blade for Pea," Fangs said
"Took the gun from the ground and shoots it into the air and the ghoulies run away," Jug continues
"Then we were freaking out trying to find a phone to call 911 and she hops on Jugs bike and drives herself here because and I quote 'you assholes drive to damn slow and I have a headache'," Sweetpea ends
"It was badass," Jughead asks
"Shes dead," I shake my head "why didn't she call me?"
"She didn't want to worry you," Fangs laughs
"So she was gunna walk into our house and say 'Hey Babe hope your day was good, um just so you know I got shot and stabbed today,"
"No, she was gunna tell you at the meeting and tell you she got shot twice," Sweetpea says
"Shes dead," I say shaking my head again
"Cheryl Topaz, I am the person the doctor assigned to your daughters case, just so you know she just had a seizure in the MRI machine, but she is ok and were just running additional tests,"
"Ok thank you,"
The doctor turns and walks away
"DAMN IT," I stomp my foot
"Calm down red," Pea says
"Where's Toni's room?"
"297," Jughead groans
I run down the hall and find her room. I stand at the door with my arms crossed
"Antoinette Topaz-Blossom..." I say walking towards her
"God damn it they're dead which one called you?" She says frustrated
"No one called me Antoinette, I had to bring KT into the ER she was acting weird, and had a seizure,"
"WHAT?" She says jerking up
"Ya shes fine though, unlike you,"
She has a metal brace like thing on her face covering her nose and cheekbones, a black cast on. Her wrist, a broken leg wrapped in red (assume from the bullet) A stab wound in her shoulder with a bandage wrapped across her chest and back again and finally the second bullet wound wrapped up on her lefty shoulder.
"You look like absolute shit,"
"Wow thanks Cher," She says sarcastically
"Why did you do it?" I say sitting beside her bed
"I-I, I don't know Cheryl, just wanted to help," She says "Literally have to fill out this form and get to leave so its good,"
"Toni, you were shot twice, and stabbed," I say disapprovingly
"I know,"
We keep talking until she finishes the form and the doctor gives her crutches,
We get to the waiting room and KT and the twins are there with the boys.
"KT how are you feeling kid?" I ask giving her a hug
"The doctors said they will get her results in a few days, if she has another seizure don't panic, but she should be fine,"
Sweetpea says
"Ok, thanks," I reply
"DONT think I wont freaking kill you," Toni says through gritted teeth "You weren't supposed to let her know,"
"Ya well shes scarier," Jughead says
"Take a bullet in the chest next time," She snaps back
The other 2 laugh
"Wait shot?" Alex asks
"Ya Toni was being an idiot and got herself shot twice," I say rolling my eyes
"And stabbed,"
"Thanks Fangs," Toni says slapping him
"Thats so cool," Madi says
"Thats something that shouldn't happen," Alex says
"Agreed Alex," I say
KT was being unusually quiet so Toni asked her what was wrong.
"The doc said shell be out of it for a few hours," Jug explains
We decide to head to the meeting and when we arrive everyone is already there.
"OMG Toni what happened?" Betty asked
"Oh Cheryl punched me in the face when she was sleeping and broke my nose, I fell down the stairs and broke my arm, and then your fiancé and the other two musketeers are too wimpy to take bullets and blades so I had to take them for em," She responds
"And didn't call me so shes dead,"
"I didn't want to worry you," She says frustrated
FP comes running over.
"Tone, what happened?"
She explained again
"Jug is gunna get it," he shakes his head
"EVERYONE LISTEN UP!" Jughead yells from the front "I know you are all wondering what this meeting is about. I have had this planned for a while now and just haven't found the right opportunity to do it. Guys we've had a hell of a ride the last 5 years, its been fun. But I haven't been a good enough leader, plain and simple. I don't do the dirty work, I don't know what to do, I'm way to passive. Its my time to step down and let someone better take over for me. The person I've chosen should have got it when my dad gave it to me, they're strong, determined, and will never give up for us. Tones get up here,"
Toni is shocked.
"Go on babe," I nudge her and. She crutches to the mini stage
"Today Toni needed to go to the ER because Cheryl accidentally broke her nose. We got stopped by the ghoulies and shot went down. Despite having a broken arm and nose, Toni took 2 bullets and a knife and still drove herself to the hospital and told us we drive too damn slow."
Everyone laughs
"Toni, you have worked so hard to give the serpents the position they deserve in this town. Ever since I met you you never stopped fighting for us. Everyone welcome your new serpent leader Toni Topaz,"
She hugs him and whispers something in his ear.
"She would like me to correct myself, welcome your new leader, Toni Topaz Blossom,congrats Toni!"

(Or like at least more than Betty)

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