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Mia sat by Maya's bed. Maya hadn't spoken since she woke up. Madam Pomfrey had kept her in until she had talked. Dumbledore wanted to know what happened. Everyone did.

The door to the hospital wing opened and Harry walked in. "How is she?" He asked.

Mia smiled. She knew Harry had the hots for Maya. She didn't judge. "She's asleep. But she is going to make a full recovery," she said.

Harry nodded. "That's good. I wish I had an answer for who did this. They won't get away with it," he told Mia.

"Oh believe me. I know."

Maya sat up as Snape walked in. "I am going to perform a spell. A spell that will allow me to enter your mind and find out who attacked you."

Maya frowned. "Y-You can't do that," she said. It was the first time she had spoken since she woke up.

Snape nodded. "I have been given permission from Dumbledore and your parents."

Snape took out his wand and pointed it at Maya. "Legilimens."

After a few moments, Snape found out who it was. "Mr Weasley."

Mia sat in the great hall. She saw Snape swoop in and go over to the Gryffindor table. She saw him go over to the Golden Trio. "I didn't touch the pampered princess!" Weasley yelled.

Mia stood up and walked over. Draco behind her. "I have seen her memories."

Mia glared. "You attacked my sister? You idiotic blood traitor," she spat.

Ron scoffed. "She deserved it. Nothing none of you don't deserve."

Maya had been released from the hospital. Hermione walked over. "I'd like to apologise for Ronald. What he did was wrong," she said.

Maya frowned. "Aren't you his girlfriend? Why are you apologising on behalf of him?" She asked.

"He's not my boyfriend. He's a friend."

Maya nodded. She walked towards the Slytherin common room. Harry smiled. "Glad to see you're better."

"Thank you. I don't remember much."

Maya sat in the common room. She sighed as Mia walked in. Mia sat down next to her. "So, excited for classes?" She asked.

"They're just classes. I've done them for four years," Maya mumbled. She looked at Mia. "I know about you and Snape."

Mia paled. She didn't think Maya would find out. She wanted to keep it hidden from her. Especially after what had happened.

Maya found herself standing in the courtyard. Harry walked over. "Hiya."

"Hi. How's things in Gryffindor?" Maya asked as she picked up a flower.

Harry shrugged. "They're divided. Some of side with Ron and some of them don't," He Said.

Maya grinned. "He attacked the Slytherin princess. Bound to gain some fans from that," she said. She smiled at Harry. "You're talking to me. Why?"

"Like I said before, you're different to the rest."

Maya walked back to the common room. She looked at Draco. "Nice lovebite,", she said.

Draco paled and tried to cover it. Maya smiled. "I won't tell. I promise."

Draco watched as Maya walked off. He knew that there had been a phropercy made about her. But could he keep it from happening?

A Malfoy's Daughter {Harry Potter}Where stories live. Discover now