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Maya woke that morning and sighed. She knew she was going to Diagon Alley for her Hogwarts uniform. She didn't want to attend a school where she wouldn't know anyone apart from Draco and Blaise.

Narcissa walked into her daughter's bedroom. "Good morning Maya," she said.


Narcissa could tell that her daughter wasn't herself. She knew it had something to do with the Dark Lord. Narcissa sighed. "I know you're scared about the dark lord but everything will be alright. I will always protect you."

Maya smiled slightly. She wrapped her arms around her mother and sobbed. "I don't want to become a death eater. I'm terrified."

"I know darling. It will be alright. I promise."

Narcissa and Lucius were taking Draco and Maya to Diagon Alley so they could get their school robes. Maya needed a whole uniform. She only had the Beauxbaton Uniform.

Narcissa smiled at Maya. "You look very nice darling."

"Thank you mother."

When the Malfoy family arrived, Maya stayed close to Narcissa. Narcissa linked arms with her daughter. Maya sighed. "This feels weird."

"I know darling. Everything will be fine," Narcissa said.

Maya wasn't so sure. She didn't know how anything would be alright again. Maya followed her parents into Madam Malkins. She saw Draco sneer. "Oh look. It's Potty, Weasel and the mudblood," he spat.

"Shove off Malfoy," Harry spat.

Maya stayed silent. Narcissa placed a hand on her shoulder. "Come along Draco. We have things to do," she said.

Ron smirked. "Go ahead Malfoy. Go running off with mummy."

Maya had seen red. "At least our mother isn't a blood traitor. She has style and grace," she said.

Lucius was shocked yet thrilled at how Maya had defended Narcissa. He knew she would do alright at Hogwarts. Maya smirked at them all and walked off with Lucius. People were speechless at how Maya had reacted.

Lucius and Narcissa were proud of their daughter. "Well done," Lucius whispered to Maya.

Maya smiled. "No one complains about my family and gets away with it - especially my parents," Maya told her father.

They went into Madam Malkins. Maya stayed close with Narcissa. "We need some robes for a fifth year boy and a fourth year girl," Narcissa said in her elegance.

"This way."

When the Malfoy children had been fitted for their robes, Lucius took them for some lunch.

Maya spotted Ron Weasley storming over. "Don't ever insult my mum again. You scum," he spat.

Maya stood up. "Listen, you go and associate with whoever but we're having lunc so kindly go."

"Fine. I will but you stay away," Ron spat.

Maya rolled her eyes and sat back down. Lucius and Narcissa finished lunch with Maya and Draco. They left the restaurant and began to walk around again.

Maya couldn't stop thinking about going to Hogwarts. She was terrified. "Please stop worrying Maya," Narcissa said.

Maya looked at her mother. "I don't want to go. I won't know anyone there."

Draco walked over. "You know Blaise, Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle."

"They're all your friends though. I don't know anyone," Maya said.

They returned to Malfoy Manor. Maya went straight to her bedroom. She wanted to be alone.

The door opened and Lucius walked in. "Maya, come. The dark lord is joining us for dinner again."

Maya fell silent as Narcissa walked in. "Mother?"

"Do what your father asked. Best dress robes," Narcissa said.

"I don't want to," Maya told them.

Narcissa rolled her eyes. "Well you have to."

"No! I don't want to!"

Lucius sighed. "Best dress robes. Now."

Lucius and Narcissa left the room. Maya got up. She knew she wouldn't have a chance at getting out of dinner. She walked over to her wardrobe.

Maya got out her best dress robes. She put them on and sighed. Maya was sitting on her bed shaking. She knew she would get into trouble for her defiance.

Maya stood in the floo room with her family. Draco took hold of her hand. "I'll look after you."


The floo activated and the dark lord came through. All four Malfoy's bowed. Maya was still terrified. "How are things at the Ministry?" Voldemort asked.

"Well my lord, Potter has been called in for a disiplinary hearing," Lucius proudly announced.

"Good," Voldemort said.

Lucius and Narcissa took him through to the dining hall. Draco and Maya stayed behind. When they were out of earshot, Draco looked at Maya. "Don't be scared. I'll protect you," Draco told her.

Maya smiled. "Thanks. I'm terrified."

"I know. Come on or they'll get suspicous."

Maya followed Draco through to the dining room. Maya sat as close to Narcissa as possible.

Voldemort noticedm. "You appear to be close to your mother right Maya?"

Maya nodded. She didn't know what to say. "Y-Yes my lord. My mother is my hero," she said.

"Yes, we all need our heroes," Voldemort commented. He looked at Draco. "Who is your hero?"

"My father," Draco said confidently.

Voldemort laughed, somewhat an evil laugh. "Of course he is. That's something Potter would say," Voldemort commented.

They didn't add anymore to what Voldemort had said. Lucius quickly changed the subject.

When Voldemort left, Maya quickly walked up to her bedroom. She put enchantments on the door to stop people getting in.

Narcissa knew what her daughter would do. She had done it so many times. Lucius was fuming at how Maya had behaved. "Narcissa, instruct her to come down immediately," he said.

Narcissa sighed. She looked at her husband. "Lucius, she needs to calm down. She's being affected by all this too."

"She was rude in front of the dark lord. She stuttered. Malfoy's don't stutter," Lucius said.

"Our daughter is a wonderful person who shows emotion. We cannot change that Lucius. All we can do is steer her and Draco in the right direction. Now, let me go and talk with Maya. Go and have some firewhiskey," Narcissa instructed.

Maya heard the knock. She knew it would be her mother. "Come in," Maya said when she had taken off the enchantments.

Narcissa walked in and sat on the bed. She sighed. "Your father isn't happy at all Maya. He claims you were rude in front of the dark lord."

Maya sighed. "Honestly mother? I don't care. I don't want this life! I don't want to be a death eater!"

Little did Maya know was that Draco thought the exact same thing. Narcissa didn't want that for her children either. She wanted them to live happy lives.

From that moment on, Narcissa would do anything to keep her children safe. No matter the cost.

A Malfoy's Daughter {Harry Potter}Where stories live. Discover now