"Buddy you alright?" He asks quietly. He hand is placed gently on my back as he sits down beside me.

"Yeah..." I mumble breathlessly. "I'm just really scared... What if I don't have a soulmate?"

"You definitely will mullet. Theres a few reasons why it isn't instant you know. They might not be old enough yet or they haven't gotten hurt or written anything. Maybe it's just taking a little while to react" he says comfortingly.

"Thanks Lance... I really hope that's it" I say quietly.

He nods and Pat's my back then gets up and walks to the kitchen.

Let's just say I'm very stressed.

---lances pov---
So... Keith is getting his soulmate soon. I always wished it would be me. A little part of myself was holding on to that dream. I can't help that I like him. My soulmate is too young I think. I've been 17 for a while now. It's really stressful actually.

I walk through the kitchen and to my bedroom. I'm not in the mood to party.

I open my door and numbly walk into my bathroom.

Back to my old routine.

I've let myself heal for the past while. I'm free of all cuts and burns, all scratches and bruises. So no one suspects.

But now... It's been so long... I have to. I can't hold back anymore. I just want to destroy myself so badly... Rip and my skin till all you see is blood and bone and Burns and bruises, express my pain through more pain, decorate my skin with words of blood and hope to god my soulmate isn't old enough.

But I need to take it slow... I need to wait until after a mission to do that. Maybe before one.

But I can still do smaller things.

My wrists won't mind if I wreck them.

Not at all...

I take out a blade, my new one. It's sharper then the rest of them and I love it. I've only used it once and it cuts so well.

I take off my jacket and roll up my sleeves quickly

I press the blade to my wrist and inhale than as the blade goes along my skin I exhale.

I watch the strip of blood appear and pool and watch is disgusting fascination as it rolls down my skin and drips to the floor.

A feeling of mild satisfaction fills me.

And then I do it again.

And again.

And again.

And again.




Until both my wrists are bloodied. Until they hurt so bad my tears are blurring my eyes.

I stare at my wrists for a while and let them bleed...

Until I register the paincked whimpering coming from next door.

Keith's room...

I quickly wipe my wrists off and wrap them in tissue. I roll down my sleeves and throw on my jacket before running to Keith's door.

I knock and wait.

The door opens slowly and Keith peeks around it looking scared an sad.

"Oh... H-hey Lance" he says fearfully.

"You ok? I heard whimpering?" I ask tiredly forcing myself to not look dead.

"W-well my soulmate is doing things..." He whispers.

Fear grips my heart.

"What sort of things?" I ask quickly.

He opens the door and shows my his wrists which have light blue flowers growing from them in lines.

"They're cutting i think" he whispers.

"I-im sorry" I say my eyes widening.

"Why are you sorry?" Keith asks looking up confusion peeking through his panic.

---to be continued---

I dunno if this will be a great one shot. (Low-key have no ideas and the one idea I was given I wasn't able to write and stuffs) soooooooo yeah I'm going with this. I wrote this in like 15mins so like it's prolly baddo

~~langst~~ (one shots)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora