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"Cring! cring!"

Jungkook groaned at his stupid ass disturbing alarm.

He looked at his clock.

8:02 a.m.

I haven't slept well last night.
Well it was because of watching Yoonmin till late night.

But who cares..It's for my Yoonmin and Yoonmin is love. Yoonmin is life!

He lazily got up from his beloved bed and went to the bathroom.

After getting dressed up, he got downstairs.
He took an apple from the dining table and was about to go out.

"Jungkook! Eat your breakfast properly! " His mother yelled out.

"No time for it. Bye mom!" With that he took his bag and left the house.

"Aish! This kid.."


At the school

Jungkook was walking through the hallway and making his way to the class.

He was also looking for someone.

He didn't have a lot of friends actually. But he had the bestest friend in the world.

Her name was Sooyun.

He couldn't wait to discuss the recent yoonmin moment with her.

Those hickeys!

Well...they both were diagnosed with Yoonmin obsession.

He was lost in his own thoughts when he bumped into something

Or someone

He looked up to see who he collided with.

His eyes widened as he saw the person.

It was him

Kim Taehyung

His...first crush.

Those gorgeous eyes were looking at him shook. His eyebrows were knitted together. His inviting pink lips to his cute fluffy hair everything about him was so breathtaking.

He was a perfection himself.

Except for one thing....

He was a Jihope shipper.

And that is the reason why he
tries to forget about his first crush.

He couldn't lie that this boy even now wouldn't fail to send that tingling sensation in his stomach.

But nothing is more important than Yoonmin, right?

First is my ship, second my personal life.

You won't understand the struggles of a fanboy!

"Uh, sorry I wasn't looking" Taehyung spoke up.

"It's okay I'll get going"

With that the two boys parted their ways.

Jungkook turned around only to be greeted with Sooyun's smile.

"Hey, Kook! What's up?"

"Cool. Anyways did yo-" Much to their dismay the bell rang indicating that their class was about to start."

"Ugh I'll just tell you in lunch time, ok?"

"Ok bye"


At the lunch time


"YOONMIN HAD HICKEYS!!" Jungkook and Sooyun said or more like screamed at the same time.

"I'm telling you Sooyun I'm 100000% sure that there's something going on between them!!"

"Of course it was pretty clear that those were hickeys"

"Yeah in that group photo, Yoongi had it at the side of his neck and Jimin had a couple of them around his neck. And both of them were roommates. So...it only means one thing"

"I disagree" A voice interrupted them.

They looked up to see the owner of the voice.

And there was standing the guy whom Jungkook wished not to meet again that day.

"How can you say that those were hickeys? The pictures were blurry and they could be bruises from practising or anything ." Taehyung spoke up with a bored expression on his face.

Jungkook mentally scowled.

"Then how can both of them have the same type of bruise moreover on their neck? And it didn't look like it was caused by practising "

"Still it is not at all clear that it was hickeys"

"They both were staying in the same hotel room. So you know they could be doing that cause it definitely looked like hickeys"

"Oh please even Hoseok and Jimin are roommates in their dorm but did we say that they did it. So just stop imagining things"

"It's not me who is imagining things but you. Of course you can't say that Hoseok and Jimin did it because they didn't have hickeys on them. So isn't it clear who is imagining things here?"

"Yeah you ju-"

"Stop it both of you!!''
Sooyun put her finger on both of their lips.

"Why are you both bickering like children?? Just ship whatever you want without making a fuss about it!"

"But So-"

"I don't want to hear anything! And if any of you dare to say something you'll see the worst of me."
With that she walked away.

Jungkook gave Taehyung a one last glare before he went away.

This is why he didn't want to have a crush on this boy at the first place.
Because there is always a kind of rivalry between them regarding their ships......and he was sure that Taehyung wouldn't even like him because of this.

Calm down Jungkook. You can do this for MiniMini.

Even if it means to forget about this cute guy.


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