27: Swish and Flick

Start from the beginning

It was hours before they actually filed off to bed, and any thoughts about Harry or (Y/N)'s "weird friends" were forgotten, for a time.


(Y/N) had just come from one of Harry's lessons, and was glowering from the compliments she'd received; she hadn't realised she was this competent of a witch up until now.

She'd made a great friend in Luna through these lessons, too, and she finally had someone to talk to about her magical creature studies; everything just felt absolutely perfect. 

And to think, she'd soon be learning how to summon a Patronus! Her, (Y/N) Silverlie, the failure of a Pureblood who was always going nowhere...

To say she felt happy would be a major understatement.

The only real issue was having to lie to Draco. It hurt to do it, yes, but at the end of the day she was working with the right people.

If only he could see that.

He was always suspicious, and always questioned where (Y/N) had been, but someone, even if it wasn't always (Y/N) herself, always had a lie to tell in response.

"I had issues with my owl."

"She was studying."

"Peeves got her trapped in the staircase."

Isabel's lies were always the most convincing, and she was quick to tell them, too; it was a little strange, but (Y/N) went with it for the time being, as her being exposed could potentially ruin everything.

Umbridge was becoming more and more strict; rule after rule, decree after decree was put up on the wall, and students were beginning to feel more and more like prisoners as time went on.

Clubs and organisations were eventually banned, almost definitely because of Umbridge's growing suspicions about Harry's group.

(Y/N) was among those considered 'suspicious', and was brought in for questioning, although it felt more like a very strange school councillors' meeting.

''Ah, Miss Silverlie,'' said Umbridge, her voice so sickly sweet that it made (Y/N) feel as if her brain may decay and crumble out of her ears, ''It truly pains me to have to bring you in here, dear.''

(Y/N) froze for a split second as Umbridge touched her shoulder.

''Uh, sorry, Professor.''

''No, no, dear!'' replied Umbridge, laughing that annoying little laugh, ''It's your...friends that are the problem, not you. I would never dare suspect such a well-behaved girl to do wrong.'' 

Well, that was very different to what Opal had been saying.

Was she feeding her aunt different lies now?

''I swear, if this is about Harry, he's, uh...he's well-behaved too, when he...wants to be...'' (Y/N) trailed off.

''How kind of you; see, this is what sets you apart from the other students, dearie,'' she said, her pandering tone beginning to irk (Y/N), ''you'd happily lie for...Mr Potter, but you immediately apologise for problems you aren't a part of!''

(Y/N) sat silently, unable to respond.

Was being favoured by Umbridge better or worse than being hated by her?

The answer was...well, impossible to find. 

''I'm not lying, Professor, I promise! He's done nothing wrong—''

''I'm afraid he has been lying and breaking rules, my dear girl.''

''...uh, I—''

''Here, have some tea,'' said Umbridge, her expression rather pitying now, ''you'll feel better.''

(Y/N) knew the tea was probably unsafe, but...

She accepted it anyway.

''Thank you, Professor Umbridge.'' Said (Y/N), not wanting to sound overly polite but letting it happen anyway.

''Now, if you do happen to have anything you'd like to tell me about your friends...''

''I have nothing, Professor, I swear.''

''Well, I suppose I shouldn't push you,'' she laughed, ''I don't want you turning on me or something!''

(Y/N) nodded back, chuckling awkwardly and downing her tea.

She walked into the wall and the side of the door in her attempt to leave after she was gestured to.


''So you just had another nice little tea party with Umbridge?'' asked Draco, actually bemused as to what in the world was going on.

''I suppose you could call it that?'' replied (Y/N), ''Not that it was pleasant, being called a 'dear girl' by that cow of a witch...''

''Well, being clawed half to death by Amorita wasn't very pleasant either!'' 

For a second, (Y/N) was confused; but then she clocked the little orangey lump curled up in between them. 

''Aww, were you two trying to make fwends?'' cooed (Y/N), obviously trying to piss Draco off as much as possible, ''Did you and Dwaco become besties?''

''You sound like a complete prat now, (Y/N). And no, she still bloody hates me—''

''Well, perhaps she just takes longer to warm up to people than I do.''

Draco sighed, and, mostly so she'd stop teasing him, kissed (Y/N), purposely running his fingers through her perfectly plaited hair (which Luna had done for her a couple of hours ago).

''You're an asshole, Malfoy.''

''And you're a bitch, Silverlie.''

(Y/N) sighed in between another kiss.

''You're lucky I love you, you know.''

''I know.''


(Y/N) finally got to bed at around 2 A.M., and spent the most part of the next morning reading an issue of some random magazine as "The Quibbler" had been banned after Harry's interview.

In fact, a lot of things had been banned because of Harry...

Which made it all the more crucial that the DA were never discovered.

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