45. Wedding Crasher

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AN: If you type in 'black woman in suit' into google, it isn't a flood of pictures with melanin rich females in suits!  It took me a minute to find this one which is frustrating.

MR. M:

It takes me a minute to fully wake up and then a more minutes to understand what just happened.

She ran from me.

Why did she run from me?

I wasn't imagining her saying that she missed me, I wasn't dreaming this time either, so why did she leave?

I stare at the ceiling contemplating my options.

Leave. Stay.

Or maybe, talk to her this time?

Moving fast, I make it in the hallway just as the elevator doors shut closed. I double time down the stairs only to run into people from the wedding party, the crowd is too big for me to get through to her room.

The crowd moves all the way down to the lobby where her groom is directing the chaos to black limousines. I try to ask where they're all going only to get strange looks as if the location is obvious.

I walk up to a surprised receptionist with a plan forming in my mind.

"What's the address to the venue?" I ask him.

The look on his face tells me that I won't get even a peep from him without further explanation.

"I'm going right now to pick up my suit from the shop in the town but I don't have the address." I add in tersely.

I don't blame him for not giving me anything because in his defense I'm not dressed for a wedding. Hell, I'm hardly dressed at all. I didn't think of a shirt when I ran out of my room so this man is getting an eye full of my chest. Luckily I have on some long shorts or he'd get a look at my boxers too.

His face smooths over and he apologizes before giving my directions to a church I passed while on my way here. With a location in mind, I calculate that it's not far from the suit shop I spotted last night.

He gets a quick, 'thank you' before I rush away.

The lone man in the shop is happy to see me before he's told that I need a suit in the next hour. His expression turns to murderous and I appease him when I inform him that I don't need a custom suit.

By the time I leave the shop, most of the town is awake and parking around the church is maddening. Most of the parking spaces are taken up by the limousines and then there's trucks for the decorations and photographers.

I follow the crowd into the building and then split off looking for the bride. When I ask, people pointed me to a room but Phoebe wasn't there.

I check the chapel and don't see her, so I decide to take an entire lap of the building. Thankfully it isn't that big but I still haven't found her.

The starting of music causes me to panic and race back to the chapel.

Phoebe has her hands out ready to open the doors before I grab her. She puts up a fight before I turn her around to face me. Surprisingly there's no one walking around to witness us.

Her face is a picture of shock, then anger, then I swear she's about to cry.

I feel the impulse to kiss her but hold back.

Phoebe then grabs my face and brings it down to her.

Our lips clash together painfully but neither of us complains. My arms wrap around her body and I pull her to me until there's no space between us.

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