All I am is worried

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You: you doing alright?

ethan: Who are you?

You: you don't remember?

ethan: Not really, no...

You: you were kind of freaked out the other day and i started talking to you to see if you're alright

ethan: Oh
ethan: Right, I remember.
ethan: I've been good, though.

You: it didn't seem like you were

ethan: Whatever

You: are you better now?

ethan: Why are you so obsessed with me?

You: all i am is worried.

ethan: No, you're not. You don't know me, why would you be worried? You're all the same. You're just really curious, you don't actually care. I know you, people. You just want to get to know me, especially because I'm a guy and since guys are soooo rare on this website.
ethan: Just don't.

You: you seriously think i only care because you're a guy? that's pathetic.

ethan: you're pathetic.

You: aight, believe what you want, ethan.

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