Please help me save him

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Dear Grandpa, dear Grandma,

I haven't sent you guys a letter for ages, it seems. I'm very sorry about that. I promise we'll come visit you guys soon. I hope you're doing well!

I don't know who to turn to right now. I mean it's not some casual topic one can discuss about with a rational mind... No.

This... This is just... weird.

I wish it never happened because now I don't even dare to talk to him. There's this awkwardness that's more bothersome than everything else.

I should probably tell you what I'm blabbering about.

There's a guy. And yes, it's actually Ethan from the clinic a few years ago. The one who peeled bananas for me even though I was able to do that on my own, obviously.

The one who escaped the clinic just to pick flowers in the clinic's yard. The one who made me laugh so much that when you guys came into the room you were horrified because you thought I took something dangerous to... you know.

That Ethan... I met him again about four months ago. Things got crazy around me but he kept me sane and kept me safe.

And I know he's struggling now, still struggling, still crying, still feeling worthless. And it breaks my heart.

I went to his place yesterday, mom brought me. We sat in his room and he drew a picture of me while we listened to our favourite songs. He's very talented.

And I was right about his bruise. He got beaten up once again and he keeps denying it. He doesn't tell me anything about it. I'm thinking maybe he was the one to punch Connor since he had a fresh bruise in court...

He said it's because he doesn't want anyone to worry. He said he's strong enough to handle it on his own. He smiled when he said it but his eyes... they kept telling me that he was lying.

Can you imagine? He's beautiful. But his smile is cold.

I told him it's okay to lean on someone. And then he did, for a second. Gosh, it feels weird talking to you about this but then again I don't know what to do now.

So I told him it's okay to lean on someone, even the strongest people can lay back sometimes. He just looked at me intently for a long while. And then followed a kiss, Grandpa. And I didn't move, Grandma.

He gently pulled away when a tear hit my cheek. And I swear, it was warm.

So please. Please help me save him.

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