{Chapter Sixty-Two}

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A day had passed by since their plan was set, their target: Ink. Six more days awaits before they do their plan. Currently Fell was with Blue, comforting the berry since Error was gone.

"Fell, I can't want anymore.." Blue mumbled.

"Blue, we already planned it and we're making sure no one is suspecting that something is up."

"But..I..I want to know that Error is safe! I want him to be with me...I don't want to lose him.." Blue started tearing up as Fell sigh and started rubbing circles on his back.

"I care about you Blue, and I know and understand how much you care about Error. Trust me in this, if it's really true that Ink had kidnapped Error, we will make him pay for what he done. "

"I want to kill him.."

"I know you do." Fell felt Blue cuddling close to him.

"I don't want to lose Error.. I-I'm so worried that he might be dead..a-and...if he...if..he..is dead...I..-" Blue felt his best friend wrapped his arms around him.

"Blue don't be negative. He's alive I'm sure, someone who kidnap people tends to give them food and water, even if it's a little bit." Fell spoke.

"How do you know?" Blue asked.

"I watch a lot of movies and anime Blue. So I'm just guessing."

"...Now you got me in the mood of watching anime..."

"What anime do you want to watch?" Fell ask.

"... something me. Something that will get my interest." Blue yawned softly as he hug his friend back.

"I think you should sleep, I don't want to see a cranky Blue trying to kill me with a knife now."

"That was ONE time Fellll..." Blue whined.


Error watch Ink leave the room, leaving Error in silence once more. With a sighq he dose off into his thoughts about Blue and their unborn child. He was wondering what Blue was currently doing, if he's freaking out or he haven't noticed that he was gone.

Then his mind started wondering off to Fell and how this was a perfect opportunity for him to take Blue away from him. Lying to Blue saying that Error was dead and gone, making his lover depressed and..... God how he hopes that's not the case.


Ink smiled as he enter his messy room, his plan was working well and he hopes it stay like that. Nothing will stop him from loving Error, nothing.

Well that was what he thought.

Falling For A Berry (Error x Blue)Where stories live. Discover now