{Chapter Two} (Blue Pov.)

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I walked around for what had seems hours! But finally I found him, Error! "HEYA ERROR!!" I yelled to him, getting his attention.

"0h...h3lLo BlUe. HoW diD y0u caMe to tHe anti-Void?" He ask me which made me smile more. "I ask my bestie, Ink to bring me here!!!" I got a "0h." Reply from Error.

"Error my brother doesn't know that I came here. He also forbids me to see you saying that you aren't good and all you will do is bad stuff. I of course don't believe that is true because everyone can change!" He nods at my words. I had started sitting down next to him. "W-wHy dO yOu cArE So mUcH aBoUt mE, BlUe?" I look at him, "I care about everyone Error. Even the baddest people I still care for. "

His attention was on me, being the only source for talking and being social. "Error, do you planning​ on stopping the fight between you and Ink?" I ask, he sighs. "I...I DunNo BlUe." I nod.

"What is your favorite Au?"


"Do you have any other friends?"

" No..."

"Can you make your voice not glitch a lot?"

"YeS. BuT iTs hArd..iT tAkEs a LoT of fOcuS. "

"Can you try to make you voice not glitch?"

"DoNt fEeL liKe iT."

"DO yOu hAve MaNy FriEnDs?"

"Yes I do Error."

"WhAt iS FriEnDsHiP?"

"Friendship is er..when you have great relationship with someone friendly wise. There is also relationship like...I think romantic ones. I really don't know how to explain it but my Undyne does! Since she watch theses shows called Anime."


I gasp at this, "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS!????" I yelled out scaring him. "UhHhHhHh..." He didn't know what to say. "Open a portal to my Au RN, we are going to Undyne lab in hotlands and we are gonna watch Anime there! It's gonna be a blast!" He just nods kinda understanding what's happening, I think.

He soon opened a portal for my Au as I grabbed his hand and dragged him into the Au of mine. I made sure no one notice him, if someone from my Au notice it's all over. They might tell my brother and....I'll get in trouble.

We both were Infront of Undyne's lab. The lab where Error is gonna learn Anime!

Falling For A Berry (Error x Blue)Where stories live. Discover now