{Chapter Sixty-One}

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Blue was staring at his phone, he been dialing Error phone number non stop, something didn't seem right. Usually Error always pick up when Blue calls him, but why isn't he picking up?

Blue sigh as he made his way to his work, maybe he'll try calling Error later. Yeah, maybe Error doesn't want to speak right now because Blue have a job to do. Yeah, he'll try again later...later.


Error look around his surrounding feeling his Haphephobia kicking in slowly. There was chains, god damn chains cuffed on his wrist and leg. Was he kidnapped? If so where is he? Is Blue here with him? Where's his phone? Is Blue okay? Is Blue hurt? All of these questions rushed into his brain but most importantly;

What's happening?


Blue recalibrated the puzzles one by one, focusing himself on that instead of Error. Although time after time he stare at his phone unsure if he should call his lover, that is until he got a phone call from his friend, Fell. He answered it;


"Hey Blue, did I call in the wrong time?"

"No no! I'm finishing up the last two puzzles before I head home. What do you need?"

"... okay, uh..it's not what I need. It's what you need."

"Hm? What do you mean?"

"...Can Sci and I come over? It's a group thing. I'll- We'll tell you what's happening okay?"

"Oh...well you guys can come! Although Felly may I ask you something?"


"Have you heard anything about Error lately? I'm asking because he haven't responded to any of my messages and phone calls. I'm getting worried about him..."

"I'll speak with you about that later. B-Boss is coming, I'll uh see you in a bit okay?"

"Okay." Blue heard the other end hung up and sigh. He could've gotten an answer from Fell! Alas Fell's abusive brother had to come and ruin it, great.

Error heard an oh so well familiar voice, Ink. This gave Error small hope, that maybe Ink will save him from these chains and wherever he is! But as quickly he gained those hopes they died out as the dark door open up to see Ink with a smile.

"I-Ink?" Error heard his rough raspy voice, this now is making him wonder how long he been here.

"You're finally awake Error!" Ink flip the switch as the lights flicker on making Error close his eyes to avoid being blinded by the light.

"W...Where am I..?"

"Error please don't use your voice now, I'll bring you some water okay?"

Error slowly opened his eyes and adjusted with the light of the room, looking around he noticed that he was in some sort of basement. Looking at himself he started to notice more and more of where he was. He was in Ink's basement, well then he should probably go. Blue's probably is worried.

Blue sat down on his bed, as he watched Fell who was nervous actually. Sci sat down on the bed as he look at Fell, "Are you sure you're able to tell Blue what he told you?" Sci asked.

Fell nod as he let a sigh escape, "Better be me to tell him than you. I just can't believe it...but Blue needs to know this."

"Know what?"

Fell look at Blue then at Sci then at Blue once more. "Promise me that you won't freak out?"

"I promise.."

Fell inhaled before starting, "Well....Do you remember that day when you called me, asking if I've been in contact with your lover?"


"I told you yes."

"I know."

Sci stood up and left the room to get some water for himself. Fell ignored what Sci was doing as he continue on.

"That day, was the last day I've heard of him. I haven't heard or seen him all this time." Fell look down, "However......I got contacted with Ink. He didn't seem happy at all, so I asked him what's up. Nothing. "

Blue was silent before a spark of anger lit in his soul.

"Blue? Are you okay?" Fell asked his friend as he neared closer to him. Blue look at Fell and nod.

"I'm okay.."

"Stop lying to me Blue. I know you're not okay."

".....How many times did Ink contacted you?"


"....have he mentioned anything about...Error?"



Error growled at Ink, "Let me go."

"Awh! But that ruin the fun~" Ink smiled, he was sooo happy that his plan actually work and without the help of Fresh. Why tell Fresh? He's a nagging bird.

"This isn't fun, Ink. Just let me go and I'll won't tell anyone what happened."

"I don't believe you."

"And I don't trust you."

"If you didn't trusted me you wouldn't drank the water I gave you. I'm just trying to be nice and if you can't accept it, I'll be cold-hearted to gain your trust."

"No wonder why you're soulless."

"No wonder why people hated you and they loved me."


"I SWEAR TO TORIEL I'LL KILL HIM, STAB HIM OVER AND OVER KILLING HIM OVER AND OVER ITS HIM FELL! ITS FUCKING HIM! HE TOOK HIM, HE TOOK HIM!!!" Blue yelled as he started crying, Fell grabbed his bud and pulled him in a hug.

"Well..let's sneak to his place one day, not today. We will check the place for any signs that Error was there. He'll be our prime suspect okay? You don't need to worry, nor freak out. That's bad for you at the moment, we don't want your child to become some sort of killer now do we?" Fell stroke Blue's skull.

Sci was silent and was planning on not interfering Fell and Blue. In his personal opinion Fell was a better person to be handling Blue than he was.

After a while Fell manage to calm Blue down and together the group planned on what they would do, Fell took the idea that he would do a sleepover while Blue and Sci suggested when that sleepover will happened.

Sunday, beware Ink, you're going to pay.

Wattpad deleted the ending part of this chapter and since I forgotten what I wrote I just wrote the main thing from that ending!
Anyways hope you enjoy the book and this chapter!

Falling For A Berry (Error x Blue)Where stories live. Discover now