{Chapter Twenty Two}

585 18 4

Team Name - [Unknown]

Blue Code Name - Reverse

Fell Code Name - Dark

Sci Code Name - Lab

• Edge/Fell Pap
• Alternative Human
• Fresh
• Frisk
• Core Frisk
• [Unknown]

Chosen Victim {second one} - {Maybe Fresh, Team haven't decided}

Blue: 17¾

Error: 18

Ink: 18½

Fell: 19

Frisk: 14

Edge: 17¾

Stretch: 19⅔

Sci: 18

Outer: 17

Fresh: 16

[Other Characters will be added here IF they are in the story]

Error speaks In italics cuz I'm lazy.

Enjoy the story Chapter.

Fresh prinprick widen as he teleported away. "Holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit-" he looked at where he was. He was home, his home with Geno and Error.

Fresh slammed the door open, "BIG GLITCHY BRO I NEED TO TELL YOU SOMETHING." He screamed as Error looked at him.

"What?"  Error asked as he walked down the stairs with some shorts on and his shirt on his hand.

"I have something to diggy darn tell you! And it's diggy darn unradical!!" Exclaimed Fresh.

"Surrre, let me just finish up dressing then we'll talk."



Blue was hugging Fell, "Yay! We killed your Frisk!!" Excalimed him.

Fell hummed as he look at Sci. "Well technically we did but Frisk wasn't a target." Sci said.

"But Felly and I got some experience on how we could lower our victims in and murder them brutally." Blue pointed out.

"Right. Anyways let's go back Reverse and Dark." Sci spoke using Fell and Blue's code name.

"Alright, Lab." Blue said.

Together the three walked to Fell's place where they went to play some video games.



"Yea, they sounded awfully like Blue. Though they looked nothing like Blue."

"How did they looked like?"

" They were short like Blue, they wore a dark teal scarf like cape? They also had spikey boots, and shoulder pads. Uh...darn I suck at describing them. " Fresh said sighing.

"Well...that's a decent amount of information for now. So why not tell Ink about it?"

"Right! Come on bro! Let's go!!"

"Okay okay. "


Blue smiled as he took his disguise off and place his regular outfit on. "Man oh man why do we have to keep our identities a secret?" He asked.

"So Error doesn't think you're a monster."

"Right! Thanks for reminding me Sci!"

"No problem Blue?"


"Is it me or should we plan on our next target?" Fell asked.

"Yea you're right! Soo do we all agree we're going to target Fresh next!?" Blue asked.

"Yep." Both Sci and Fell said in a union.

"Okie! Anyways I need to head home now. So see ya!!" Blue said as he left the building.

"Soo Sci, mind telling me why you kissed me when you were drunk?" Fell asked looking at him.

"W-well I wasn't thinking straight!! Besides that was ONE time!!!" Sci shudder out.

"I know besides that was for a random play that Ink wanted us to do. Strange but he did said it was for a creator who was making us in a party and everyone was drunk or something. " Fell points out.

"Strange indeed, but seriously he made us kiss!!"

"Not to metion Blue was the person who tried killing you."


"And now people ship us two." Fell said.

"Oh god."

"But we both know the truth."


"You love Outer and I love Blue. You're dating Outer while I'm Blue's assistance." Fell pointed out.

"It's sad."

"Well..I will find someone that could almost match Blue."

"FellSwap or SwapFell?"

"No, both look like shit."


Ink eyes widen, "No way...So you're saying there's someone out there going  to different Aus to kill certain people!?" He excalimed.

"So far this...person had killed Fell's Frisk and possibly Outer's Frisk as well. We must put an end to this." Fresh said.

"Yea but how do we stop them?" Error question.

"Maybe by lowering them to us?" Ink suggested.

"No that's to difficult. We should at least warn all monsters for now." Fresh said.

"Okay, Fresh you go to the neutral alternative universes while I go to the pacifist ones, and Error goes to the Genocide ones." Ink said as he headed a list of neutral Aus to Fresh and a list of Genocide Aus to Error.

"Alright. We'll meet each other here once we're done, Capiche?"

"Yep." Both Ink and Fresh said in a union.

They all went their separate ways to warn the people about the lose Au murder.

A/N: I could just wonder what will happen if Error finds out that Blue was the one.

Anyways yes I did put CPAU in this xD

So stay in tune to the next chapter and it'll be great help for positive comments and suggestions for this book!

Falling For A Berry (Error x Blue)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ