{Chapter Fifty Seven}

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Blue and Ink went upstairs to Blue's room as Error was in the living room watching some anime that Blue's Undyne gave him. Blue close the door behind them as he looks at Ink, "So...What do you want to talk about?"

Ink looks at Blue and smile, he couldn't believe It'll be so easy to get rid of Blue. "I wanted to talk about you and maybe what you've been doing and how your relationship with Error is going!"


"I'm sorry Fell but it's a secret between Blue and I." Sci apologize.

"Okay, I understand."

Fell looks down on the tubes that contains blue substance, "What's that?" He asked.

"Oh! That's just mouthwash, I'm planning on mixing that with uhm..what was it bleach?"

Fell looks at Sci before nodding, "Hey..uhm can we go to Blue's place? I need to uhm grab my spare jacket from there and oh! My diary, yes uhm..I uh let Blue read through it. "

"Uhm..sure? Why do I need to go with you anyways?"

"It'll be awkward.. especially since I think Error and I aren't ya know friends we're like acquaintance but not friends you know?"

"It will be fine Fell, just get your jacket and diary and come back here."

"Ugh, alright I need to tell Blue I'm coming over." Fell left the room and went to dial Blue.


Blue heard his phone ring, "Ah sorry Ink! Lemme answer the call."


Blue noticed it was Fell, "Hello?"

"Hey Blue, Uhm..can I go to your house...right now?"

"Huh? Why?"

"A-are you busy? If so I could totally underst-"

"I'm not that busy but what do you need?"

"...is Ink there? Ugh don't ask why I'm asking! I uh..Uhm have a bad feeling!!!"

Blue looks over at Ink before answering
, "Yes he's here...what do you mean bad feeling?"

"Is he listening?"

"My replies yes, not what you're saying."


"Look Fell, I'm trying to speak with Ink and catch up on things you know? You can come over but it'll be a while before we could speak in privacy, okay?"

Blue heard a sigh from the other side before a small okay was heard. "Bye Fell."



Fell crused himself as he hurry up and went to UnderSwap, Snowdin, Blue's house. He wonder if Blue's brother is there he is 100% that Error is there but not that sure about the brother.

That reminds him, he should go back home soon.


"I'm sorry Ink it was just Fell, he needed me to assist him in something, mainly emotional and physical issues. Nothing to concern you, so! Let's continue our talk!"

Ink smile and nod in understanding while his thoughts was preparing and visualizing what he's going to do to Blue. Not knowing that if he does kill Blue, he killed someone else too.

Falling For A Berry (Error x Blue)Where stories live. Discover now