{Chapter Twenty Six}

574 21 11

Team Name - [Unknown]

Blue Code Name - Reverse

Fell Code Name - Dark

Sci Code Name - Lab

• Edge/Fell Pap
• Alternative Human
• Fresh
• Frisk
• Core Frisk
• [Unknown]

Chosen Victim {second one} - Fresh

Blue: 17¾

Error: 18

Ink: 18½

Fell: 19

Frisk: 14

Edge: 17¾

Stretch: 19⅔

Sci: 18

Outer: 17

Fresh: 16

[Other Characters will be added here IF they are in the story]

Error speaks In italics cuz I'm lazy.

Enjoy the story Chapter.

Fell laid on the bed for some minutes, hours possibly before getting up and leaving the room. Walking downstairs he saw Blue talking to Error, ignoring them he walked to the kitchen to see a plate of tacos ready for him. There was a small note card besides it, Fell decided to read it.

You're probably hungry right, Felly? Anyways I preheated the tacos since they were getting cold. Also please try and make up with Error, if you see me talking to Error it's probably because I want to get Error to love me more or it could be I'm trying to fix the problem between you two. Anyways that's all so hope you enjoy your food!


Fell place the note down as he ate the tacos that were on his plate. After that he cleaned the plate and decided it was best to leave. He walked out of the kitchen and looked at the two before leaving the household.

Teleporting back to his Au, draining almost all his energy he walked to his home. Ignoring all the hate that the monsters threw at him. Walking to the step of his home he opened the door, entering to an empty house. No one here, and no one there.

Fell closed the door behind him, locking it. He went to his bedroom to lay down in bed, or was it for something else?


Blue finished talking to Error as he went up to his room. Opening the door he was about to call Fell to come but when he saw no one in his room. This made Blue freak out a bit, as he walked downstairs and into the kitchen only to find two notes.

One of the notes was his while the other one was Fell's. Picking the note up he read it.

Dear Blue,
I will not take responsibility to take care of you. It seems that there's already someone and you don't need me. If you wonder where I've gone to, I went back home. I just need a break so forgive me. Also please don't get involved with the situation Error and I had. That's what I have to do, it's what I have to fix. Not you. That's all I want to say so sorry if I scared you a bit when I left but this might be for the greater good for us.

Falling For A Berry (Error x Blue)Where stories live. Discover now